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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Thursday 10-02-08

How is the economy melt-down affecting you directly??


Anonymous said...

Really it hasn't impacted us in any negative way other than the prevailing and pervasive negativity emanating from every media pore. We have not been impacted in any meaningful way yet and hopefully we won't. We have curtailed spending. As for credit, Pat and I really don't need any new credit, in fact we are working on reducing our need for credit. We are still taking our vacation as planned.

Anonymous said...

401K's I'm sure are DOWN....
Too afraid to look....

The company I'm work for is having a bad year and I'm having to process may final checks. And we are having to do the number and level of tasks with less hands.

Anonymous said...

My 401K is down and like other posts I'm afraid to look, and I holding on with my nails and a pray that all will be good in the long run since I can't afford to continue to lose the amount of funds in my 401K. However IF I cash out, then I lose my shares that MIGHT recover.

Now my job is on the line as SMALL businesses go under since the BIG BANKS won't loan money, well small business telecom demand goes down, and therefore the revenue of our company, and then layoffs.

Don't we live in a grand world!

But on the bright side it might be the kick in the pants I need to move onto something less stressful, more profitable and thoroughly more satisfying. If I could only figureout what that is!

Anonymous said...

New financial plan: Invest in Lottery Tickets....

Rant Master said...

My business is S L O W!

As a mortgage banker, I depoend on people buying and refinancing homes. This has slowed down dramatically.

So, that is the only affect this has had on me - MY INCOME!!!

cincin21 said...

Here is what I see .... Lately we have had to replace 3 things in our home ... a Microwave, a Vacuum Cleaner, and my laptop .... in all three cases the replacement item COST LESS than the original item it replaced AND has better features than the item it replaced!!!

I just thought I would share that ....

Other than it seriously affecting my dear husband's income ... and maybe Robbie's College Fund (I'm afraid to look).... I'm doing okay ....