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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Has anything bad ever happened to you that turned out to be for the best?


Patr said...

Dislocated knee - ended any dreams of playing sports - joined band instead - had a wonderful time in High School...

Not necessarily bad for me - but wasn't the most enjoyable - I had to lay off a friend from work - she went to work in Dallas and her new boss eventually became my husband - and he had to fire her too.... We are not sure where she is now....

Anonymous said...

This may sound awful, but the death of my father. Being that he was an alcoholic and verbally abusive, the healing came after his death. I can finally understand the disease side of it and can remember many good times along with the bad now. I even miss him which I could not do for many years.


Ynaffit said...

I had an AVM, which is similar to an annyerism. I am a completely different person than I was before! I am still a firm believer in Christm, but I am a modern-day Pollyanna... You know, the glass is always half full, there's always something to be glad about.

Tom said...

My finance broke up with me - I was devastated, but it was best that I not marry her - gthe most important reason being that I would probably not be married to the most wonderful woman I have ever met (why she married me is a mystery, but she seems to like me)

Kay said...

Back in the '70s I was devastated when my husband at the time said he was leaving me for another woman. I thought it was the end of my world. A few years later I realized it was the best thing that ever happened to me.... Robert came into my and my children's lives and has been our rock.

Hugh said...

Definetely on many occasions and many levels. Where would mankind be if we can't take lemons, add sugar and make lemonade?

My expereinces are exactly what you all have described - Death or absence of loved ones/family. Physical disability that changes lifestyle.

cincin21 said...

Two divorces .... but I learned a lot about life and love and MYSELF from those hard times .... and I never would have found or even began to appreciate Tom if I hadn't gone through all of that stuff .... and he is one of the best things to happen to me ever!

Everybody's answers are so thought provoking! Thanks!!