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Friday, December 08, 2006

Question #353

What is the first historical event which you PERSONALLY remember occurring?

What historical event had the biggest impact on you PERSONALLY?


Caroline said...

lived with MTV on in her living room and walking thru we heard the story and both just froze.

9/11 was the one most impactful on me. I was in college and suddenly it wasn't so hard to meet a person in class and not have all the b.s. boundaries/walls to get thru to get to know eachother enough to talk everyday.

Caroline said...

oops the beginning of that was suppose to say the first event I remember was Kurt Cobain committing suicide when I was 13/14 yrs old. Nikki and I lived w/ MTV on in her living room and walking thru we heard the story and both just froze.

Anonymous said...

the assassination of JFK. I was very young, still at home with mom and remember it on the t.v. in the living room.

Anonymous said...

the assassination of JFK. I was very young, still at home with mom and remember it on the t.v. in the living room.

Anonymous said...

The first was the JFK assassination. We were living in Germany (my Dad was in the Army), and we heard about it on the radio. My Dad went on alert immediately and we did not see him for a couple of weeks - he was with his unit on the German border wondering if the Russians were going to invade. That was pretty personal.

Next was Nixon's inauguration in Jan of 1973. I was in the Army at Ft. Belvoir, and my buddy Gary & I spent the day in downtown DC watching the parades and riots - teargas flying, large rowdy crowds, many cops on horses - the scene was chaotic.

Next was the Iranian revolution in 1979 - when the Shah was deposed and the mullahs took over. My parents were in Tehran at the time, and I had no ideas whether they were alive or dead. Did not hear anything for days - very personal.

9/11 was obviously the most recent and most horrible, but not the most personal.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First was Gerald Ford becoming the Vice President, then him becoming president. I was 7 or 8, so I didn't understand what Watergate was, but we were in Colorado on vacation when Nixon resigned. We had just come in from the motel (yes MOTEL) pool, and he was giving his final address. 30 minutes after the address ended, the car was packed and we were headed home. My parents just didn't feel like we should be vacationing during a time of political upheaval.

Event with the biggest impact: 9/11 of course.

Anonymous said...

The first: JFK assassination. I was in 1st Grade at St. Gabriel's Elementary School and they announced it over the PA system. We were sent home early and my Mom was crying. We had off the day of his funeral and my grandparents were there and they were crying. For an assignment, we had to make a Rememberance Book and collect newspaper clippings,etc.I'll always remember Jackie in that suit.

Personally: 9/11 Very personal.

Anonymous said...

It would have to be when JFK got shot. I was in my 5th grade classroom and the principle made an announcement for all teachers to come to his office. Mrs. Lewis left and when she came back she was obviously upset and I remember her pointing to her head and saying that the President had been shot in the head. We listened to the radio over the intercom the rest of the day and I remember being out of school and watching it all on TV the day of the funeral. I also then vivedly remember Bobby Kennedy being shot as well as Martin Luther King, Jr. It seems like now to me that this all happened within days of each other, although I know that wasn't the case.

It's hard to say which historic event had the biggest impact on me personally. I think every historic event I've ever lived through has had an impact on my personally. The ones I remember the most are the ones I just mentioned, along with the 1st moon walk, the space shuttle blowing up (I was at home from work with Mandy who was sick and thought she was just not understanding what she was seeing on TV when she told me), and 911.

Anonymous said...

For me it was the assassination of Robert Kennedy, I was only two at the time of JFK's assassination so I do not remember it but I vividly remember Robert's death and what I recall most about that was when they brought his body to Washington, D.C. by funeral train and the people of all races who lined the tracks on both sides to pay homage to him. It was might first introduction to the larger world that existed beyond my family, my school and my friends.