From ... "The Book of IF: Questions for the Games of Life and Love" by Evelyn McFarlane and James Saywell ...
If you could put anyone in prison, who would it be?
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Just things I wonder about ... and some people are nice enough to answer. You are welcome to answer, too ... just click on "Comments" and off you go! IF you don't want to be Anonymous, use the Name/URL option and just put in your name ... no URL required .... Starting Jan 28th, 2009, I am using questions from "Table Topics: Right or Wrong?"
Tom picked this Question .... I cannot think of anyone specific at the moment .... but I reserve the right to come back and answer again like I did yesterday!!
I think any person who abuses children .... especially sexual abusers ... needs to be locked up for life. Sane/Insane ... I don't care .... Lock them away!! And throw away the key.
Wow!!! I can't think of a specific individual, but I am like Cin that I believe all child and sexual abusers should be locked up and throw away the key.
Maybe the Mayor....LOL That is for you Cat.
My first husband. Because he molested my son and even before that happened he did not contact the children at all, he didn't pay support, he remarried and supports his second family like royalty (divorced).
He was willing to allow the lives of my babies to be cast aside along with there self esteem.
I am thinking of a political couple who should be in prison - he because he obstructed justice and commited perjury, and she because she is a liar and just too snotty for her own good. I think a few years in a max prison would change them - Bubba needs to meet a REAL Bubba (6'6", 350 lbs of sweatly love), and Ms. "It takes a Village" should meet a real Diesel Dike for some "quality time".
Child abusers should be shot out of hand - not in prison or sent to therapy or a hospital or anything like that - they should just be taken out and shot after they are found guilty.
Yea, I agree with child abusers and any kind of sexual predator.
I am actually TAKING my brother to jail this weekend because he failed a drug test on probation and has to serve four weekends in Denton County. I just hope he survives it.
Oh that's easy!!! ROFL. I don't think I even have to say -- it would be a certain politician that is pure evil and loves to commit illegal acts.
Sexual predators. Especially those that go after children. Why? Because children are supposed to innocent and supposed to be loved and protected by "adults". They're often "yanked" out of the sand box too early as it is with all the violence and sex they are exposed to on TV and in Video games and reality "saftey" programs in school.
I'm not entirely sure prison can reform them either because it's not usually about sex. It's often about power. And sadly, it seems that many of these child abductions end up with the child murdered.
My husband told me once of his idea of "credits". It was early in our relationship, and I still married him! LOL. His idea was that we're all born with a certain amount of "credits". You go through life adding and subtracting from this "bank of life credits". But murderers, rapists,and abusers,once they're found quitly, immediatly lose their "credits" and they're "disposed of"! Illegal politicians and people of their ilk go down to 1 credit and walk on thin ice and have to work really hard to earn any credits back! LOL I thought he was nuts! But it's one of those things that make you go "Hmmmm....." in 2005 with all that's happened and the stories you hear!
{{{La Tinkerbell}}}In a way,your children are better off not having any contact with that rat bast*rd! they have you in their life and you're such a positive force!
And Cat:What goes around, comes around sweetie! LOL
Caroline: Hang in there! I realized way too late that I was actually "enabling" my younger brother by always being there for him and bailing him out of trouble. It was hard to do the Tough Love with him but hopefully, he's turning his life around. Prison (and he's in Texas) hasn't been easy for him but I think it saved his life!
By the way Cincin and Tom: I Love you guys!
Prison's too good for sexual predators.
Prison's too good for gang members.
Prison's too good for identity thieves...and the list goes on.
But it would be fun to put OJ and MJ together in a cell somewhere and throw away the key......
Toughie - can't think of anyone off the top of my head!
George W. Bush. My second choice: George W. Bush.
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