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Friday, July 22, 2005

Question #28

Question #18 from "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D.

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one ability or quality, what would it be?



cincin21 said...

I would be 80 lbs lighter ... and be able to stay that way .... with lovely muscle tone in all the right places.

I think the reason why is pretty obvious!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the lovely/lively lady who sends these question out every day. I would like to be 80 lbs lighter. My muscle tome is fine, you just cannot see it. I have six pack abs - they are just hidden under the keg.

eubulus said...

The first thing that came to mind is that I would love everyone equally and unconditionally. Why? Because I don't like it that I have negative thoughts about some people.

Anonymous said...

I have the ability to like exercise instead of thinking of it as a dirty 8-letter word that should only be used in Scrabble

Anonymous said...

I agree with cincin. I'd have the ability to lose 60 pounds and keep them off for good.

Anonymous said...

OK...Today I looked at the answers before posting my own and I have to agree! I'd love to wake up 50 lbs lighter, toned and fit and HEALTHY (physically and emotionally) and stay that way! WOO HOO!

Anonymous said...

If I could have one ability, it would be to allow all of you to see how beautiful you are--just the way you are.

Judy said...

I would like the ability to raise my metabolism - not gaining weight, but I'd like to eat what I want and take off a few (okay, more than just a few) pounds.

Anonymous said...

Focus, sustainable focus backed by drive to accomplish goals

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree wiht Mrs. Mack. That would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

I thought about this for quite a while... Then it hit me! It's painfully obvious! I would no longer be bipolar! :)

Anonymous said...

Peace of mind, all else flows from that well.