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Friday, July 15, 2005

Question #23

Question #72 from "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D.

If you could have FREE, unlimited service for 5 years from an extremely good Cook, Chauffeur, Housekeeper, Masseuse, or Personal Secretary, which would you choose?



cincin21 said...

Okay .... I ask these questions ... then I don't know how to answer them!!

I think Housekeeper would be my choice ... although a Chauffeur is tempting here in the DFW area ... and a masseuse is also tempting for the obvious reasons ...

But a FREE housekeeper ... that works for me.

Anonymous said...

Housekeeper...not a moment's thought. I love to drive, I love to cook, I don't mind paperwork...but housework! eeeeeeeeeek. It's do it once and you just have to do it again 6 months later!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's see -

- I do the cooking and love it, so NO to that.
- I like to drive, so No to that.
- HOUSEKEEPER - that is the ticket!

Anonymous said...

Masseuse HANDS DOWN!

Anonymous said...

Definitely - Housekeeper.
Reason - I hate housework, always have and always will. LOL

Anonymous said...

I tried to be anonymous but it is really me... HATE HOUSEWORK

Anonymous said...

Housekeeper wins...
But can I have a driver too.....pretty please?

Anonymous said...

This one is easy! It would be a housekeeper because I hate to clean house and I'm really sorry at it. With all those cats the house gets very messy very quickly.

eubulus said...

I'm there with you Cat. We have a bunch of shedders too. It looks like I have tumbleweeds blowing through my living room sometimes. Definitely a housekeeper.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm....I think I'd take the cook and make them cook SBD foods all the time so I could get to goal. (Cooks also do the shopping right?) I'm thinking once I get to goal weight, I'd feel better and be able to do all the others with more ease.If I had a chauffer, housekeeper, Masseuse or Personal Secretary for only 5 years, I'd get too attached and wouldn't want to give them up! But while I had the use of the cook, I'd be watching and learning! LOL

Anonymous said...

Count me with the majority: housekeeper!!! Hate to, hate to, hate to clean.

Anonymous said...

i would go with the personal secretary so they can type my papers.

Judy said...

hands down - cook! I love to cook, but I'm ready for someone else to take over for a while! They have to clean up their mess, though, too!