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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Question #15

From ... "The Book of IF: Questions for the Games of Life and Love" by Evelyn McFarlane and James Saywell ...

If you could eliminate one hereditary characteristic from your family, what would it be?



cincin21 said...

CANCER .... My Mom's Mom died of "stomach cancer" when Mom was 15. My Mom's sister had a double radical masectomy in the 1970's ... she is still alive today and doing well ... my brother died of Malignant Melanoma 11 years ago at age 30 ... and my Mom died of Ovarian Cancer in Dec, 2002.

I wonder how very different things would be if there were no cancer in my family ...

Anonymous said...

baldness - 'nough said.

Anonymous said...

I honestly can't think of anything. I come from a pretty good pile of genes evidently. LOL

Anonymous said...

Cancer for sure.
My Mother lived with CA for 15 years of surgeries, chemo, and radiation. She had a radical vulvectomy, radical mastectomy, hysterectomy,and the Cancer metatisized to her lungs. She died with lung cancer in 1985.
My beloved Sis died March 13, 2003 with lung cancer.
They must find a cure for this hideous disease soon.
It is really hard for me to say or write that word - cancer.

Judy said...

I would get rid of the degenerative eye issues we have in my family...I can deal with illness, digestive issues, exercise to take care of my heart, but without my eyes, I'd miss out on so much.

Anonymous said...

Back pain! Back problems. Both parents me, sister, both kids.

And Bronco... you just have more face to love. Never forget it.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Cindy. I would do away with the whole CA issue in my family. Bless you and Bev, I've lost too many people to CA: my great aunt, my wonderful mother-in-law, my father-in-law, and a host of other friends and relatives. My mom and her cousin are living with breast cancer as we speak. Other than that, I'd also do away with my family's tendency to forming a "gut".

Anonymous said...

bronco! Say it isn't so...if we eliminated that, we'd eliminate so much sex appeal!

Inability to tan...I'd like pigment in more even blotches...although, let's face it, my freckles are darn cute!

Anonymous said...

A family trait that has denied many of my birth family the ability to see what truly could lie ahead of them....
It is a disease that cripples...

Anonymous said...

well I could say the propensity to be overweight, but then I wouldn't have met you. Have to say depression.