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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Question #26

Question #105 from "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D.

At a meal, your friends start belittling a common aquaintance. If you felt their criticisms were unjustified, would you defend the person?


Anonymous said...

I would absolutely support someone if I thought they were getting unfair treatment. I am not a fan of bad mouthing people behind their backs.

cincin21 said...

Yes, I would defend that person. I am beyond that teenage way of thinking that I have to "go along to get along". Nowadays I am willing to express my point of view on things, and maybe persuade others to see things from a different perspective.

Anonymous said...

No question about it....I detest pipples bad mouthing pipples who aren't there to defend themselves...
There's always 2 sides to a story.

Anonymous said...

I definitely would defend that person and try to explain why I think that the unfair treatment is unjust.

Judy said...

Been there, and did just that.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would do it. Did it the other night.

eubulus said...

Did you ever play that game as a kid where you whispered something in a classmate's ear and by the time it went around the room it was totally different? I've seen gossip destroy people who more often than not were innocent. I agree with drmck, even if there is a thread of truth to it, LEAVE IT ALONE.

Anonymous said...

yeah i would.

Caroline said...

I am more enthusiastic about these things if I have had a little to drink. Does that answer your question.