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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Question #196

Did you have a "Best Friend" in High School?

Where is that person now?


Anonymous said...

I did have a best friend, in the last high school I attended (I went to three schools in three states). His name is Bill Sherley.

We lost touch after high school, except for one visit when I was in college and he was in the Army - he was a Green Beret and he jumped (parachuted) into the mountains of Idaho on a training excercise, and I met him outside of Pocatello, Idaho for a weekend.

I saw him again last year - he lives here in Dallas - but we had next to nothing in common. It was nice to hear news about old high school friends, but there was no "connection", and we have not stayed in contact since.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he died of a herion overdose New Years Eve 1993. I attended his funeral before leaving Lafayette, LA in Jan 1994.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, brain-fart, He died of a Heroin overdose.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I did have a best friend and we still communicate - mostly birthdays and Holidays.
We really went thru a lot together - High School, College Room mates, first job room mates, first loves, first disppointments, marriages, family for her, etc.
I do not see her nearly enough.
She is a true true friend. She lives happily in Indianapolis with her second husband.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did. She lives about an hour away from me and we do communicate from time to time, but not nearly enough. She's been through a lot of tragedy in the past few years and I should have been there for her more, but life gets in the way sometimes.

Anonymous said...

yeah, she lives on Fox.

cincin21 said...

I did have a best friend in High School. She is still back in my hometown in Illinois and she is married to my boyfriend from highschool ... that was a hard one for me to digest ....

They got together after I went away to college and they stayed and went to a local Jr. College.

I tried to re-establish a friendship with them ... but she doesn't trust me, it seems.