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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Question #453

Who are your heros??

Why do you think they are so terrific??


Anonymous said...

My Husband: he is so wonderful, just ask him ;)

My Mother: she is one sweet lady

My Father: he can fix anything

Anonymous said...

OH! And CinCin....for keeping the QoD going....It is a bright spot in my work day....Lova ya!

Anonymous said...

My Lord and Savior, my hubby and kids (the reasons are obvious). Of course Cincin! I've had others for various reasons but they seem to change as my eyes are opened or as I get older and hopefully, wiser!

Rant Master said...

With the exception of mywife - who daily shows me that patience and even handedness pay dividends beyond the expected, my heroes are my parents.

My Dad was the classic American hero - a career Army officer who fought in three wars, came home safely from each, stayed by the woman he loved for over 50 years, and took good care of his family.

My Mom was even more heroic - she stayed home while my Dad was off fighting those wars, she raised four sons to be solid citizens, and she stayed by the side of the man she loved for over 50 years, keeping his home and hearth through rough times and smooth.

Anonymous said...

My Wife: For teaching me what love really is and for helping me to be a more well rounded individual due us sharing a passion for eating out.

My Mother and Father: For their love and for teaching me to be the person I am. They weren't perfect but they didn't pretend to be either and I appreciate that more and more as I get older.

My Mother-in-law and Father-in-law: They are the most genuine people and they love me dearly and they raised a pretty incredible lady. I don't even like to use the word in-law because to me they are Mom and Dad, especially since my Mother passed. And they love me dearly so they are keepers.

My Sisters: For being the incredible, talented people they are.

My Agent: For getting me this gig in the first place and the multi-million dollar salary.

My Publicist.... Gosh I really am at the Oscars, you really do like me...... but I digress....

cincin21 said...

WOW PEF ... you are on a roll this week!!

George W Bush .... for bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders and still being able to stand up each morning ... amazing.

His wife, Laura .... I would like to meet her. She just seems like
a very "real" person.

My Mom ... for a multitude of reasons.

My dear hubby for having faith in me ... and in himself.

My friends who have stuck by me through thick and thin.