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Monday, June 27, 2005

Question #10

From ... "The Book of IF: Questions for the Games of Life and Love" by Evelyn McFarlane and James Saywell ...

If you were to be stranded forever on a desert island and could have only one book to read, which book would you want with you?


cincin21 said...

A classic Christian response to this would be The Bible. A lot of my students used that as an answer when I would ask this question in class. And it is a good answer!

My answer is a little bit odd ... I would have the Great American Bathroom Book with me.

This is a book with 600+ pages of 2-page summeries of the all-time great books .... in a huge range a categories! Greek mythology, philosophy, religion, drama, poetry, adult classics, cildrens stories, etc.

Two page summery of War and Peace? Then ... what I would do with all my time is fill in all the missing pages of these great works. It would be especially nice if I had an endless supply of paper and pens to work with!!

Anonymous said...

The biggest fattest book I could find. Or the most complex mmmm...Science of Mind by Earnest Holmes.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'd have to agree with The Bible because I've only read snippets of it, and it is good literature. On the other hand, I'd want to take the time to read A Brief History of Time too.

Anonymous said...

I'd take Deserted on a Tropical Island for Dummies, of course!


Anonymous said...

I would take "How Things Work". Don't know the author, but thebook shows how almost everything works, which would serve me well when trying to make a comfortable life for myself on that island

Anonymous said...

My first choice was going to be The Bible then I looked at the question again and realized "forever". I already have a personal relationship with The Lord and talk to Him frequently so I think I would bring a Survival Guide that would teach me how to survive on a desert island (with tips on how to get rescued!) ;~)

Anonymous said...

I'll go with RH -- I want the survival guide!

Anonymous said...

Ditto. U.S. Marine Corp Survival Guide

Judy said...

I'm in the survival guide camp on this one...I'm about halfway through the Bible so far (my resolution for this year), so I'm hoping to have it read before I get stranded anytime soon! HAHA

Anonymous said...

This is an easy one. The Bible, but I certainly would miss my other great books. My book of Poems, etc., but I could always stop, be quiet and remember the beautiful written words.