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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Question #7

From ... "The Book of IF: Questions for the Games of Life and Love" by Evelyn McFarlane and James Saywell ...

If you could, in retrospect, change one thing about your childhood, what would it be?


cincin21 said...

I wish that my depression had been diagnosed back when I was young ... in middle school ... and that the meds we have today had existed back then.

I know our childhood shaped who we are today ... but most of what I remember from my childhood involves me feeling hurt and angry and being really into myself ... and not caring at all about the people around me. I remember pouting and sighing and feeling seperate from my family. I didn't try new things because I was afraid I wouldn't be the best. It was all about ME.

I am different now ... and I think the meds have helped me A LOT!! I am pretty sure I was depressed back when I was 12, 13, 14 .... I wonder what I would be like now if the meds had existed and I had used them ....

Anonymous said...

At first, I was gonna jump in here and post the one thing that occurred in my childhood which tore my little soul apart and ask that it be changed. But then I started to think...wait a minute....that hurt me, yes, but it also made me who I am and helped me discover the tools I needed later in life to handle much tougher lessons. So no, I would not go back and change anything. Wishing on changing the past only muddies up my today and destroys my dreams of tomorrow. So I will only bless my childhood tragedies, forgive those who caused them and thank the Universe for giving me the tools and the compassion I have today

Anonymous said...

Some days I wish I could change my parents, the fact I went to 9 schools before I graduated high school, my religion. With reflections I see that all of that shaped who I am today. Without the depression that plagued me throughout my life, I would not recognize the joy I have today. Without the changes in schools and the multitudes of people I have known, I could not recognize the quality of people I choose to have in my life. Without the changes in residence, I would not have recognized the value of home. Without the travel, I could not appreciate the knowledge I have of what's out in the world. I wouldn't change anything.

Anonymous said... really have to jump on these early or someone else will read your mind and jot it down for you!

I might have been a much happier child if I had not tried to grow up so fast. I just wanted to get outta Dodge (grew up in small town texas). Although I did escape at 18, I think I missed out on some of the essential lessons of growing up that are harder to learn once you get in the real world. Fortunately for me, I had one or two really amazing mentors in high school and college who pointed me on the path of enlightenment (or something akin to enlightenment!) But to see the world through a child's eyes again with carefree abandon might be nice for a day! (Where are my rose-colored glasses?)


Anonymous said...

I sat here staring at this question for a long time.My first reaction was to write "Just one thing?" But the more I sat and thought, it didn't feel right to answer with that. Then I read the comments already posted. Hugs and Blessings to all of you! It seems we've all taken our tragedies and triumphed because of them.

Anonymous said...

i dont think i would change anythig.

Anonymous said...

There was a time when I would easily say yes, but now, I would have to say no. I wouldn't change anything because if I did I wouldn't be me. And I am pretty happy with life.

Caroline said...

i would have played more sports and got invoved in team activities and learned to eat healthy before it was too late or so hard

Anonymous said...

I can't think of one single thing I would change. I really had a good childhood.

Anonymous said...

I would live in an alchol free home instead of a place that I could not understand.