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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Question #3

Question #4 from The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock:

If you could spend one year in Perfect Happiness but afterward would remember nothing of the experience, would you do so?

If not, why not??


cincin21 said...

Hmmmmm .... yes, I believe I would. Happiness is better than medicine! I think it would have such a positive effect even down to the cellular level in my body and brain!

Even though I wouldn't remember the actual experiences, I think I would be a happier and healthier person for having lived a year in total happiness!

I could journal it ... video tape it ... but I guess that would be like watching a movie or reading a book of someone else's life ... still ... movies and books make me happy, too.

I would do it.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to cincin's comments...that is EXACTLY what I was going to say! And the videotaping actually could work if the movies are any indication...remember 50 First Dates? (it's cute if you haven't seen it!)

And here's the thing about not won't know to miss it so you could be satisfied back in your "normal" life!

Maybe I'm living that year of happiness right now!

Anonymous said...

Yes. NO reason not to.

Anonymous said...

I think I would for pretty much the same reasons as everyone else stated. But there is a hitch here: whose idea of "Perfect Happiness" would this be? Isn't that a rather subjective issue? And what if the designer of the "Perfect Happiness" plan wasn't the same as my husband's idea of Perfect Happiness? Would I then be taken away for a year?

Still, it's a pretty tempting idea/fantasy to think of living a whole year in BLISS! LOL

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would. Through pain, pleasure, happiness, loss, sadness and such; each experience is a component of who we are. Not being able to remember anything to relive or draw upon would be a collosal waste of time. Besides, I already have enough trouble remembering things.

Anonymous said...

....and another thing...on the endorphin thing....I don't think that would work, as I believe it is the actual memory that would trigger the emotional/hormonal surge. How many times have you thought about something in your past and felt sad, anxious, upbeat, hopeful, etc.....

Caroline said...


Anonymous said...

im not sure i like the way some of my life is but yet i dont like some things in life that i know i have to deal with.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the point in an expereience that I wouldn't remember..
I'll take the lumps and bumps of real life and grab onto the "moments" of perfect happiness..

Anonymous said...

how would a year of total happiness be real? without the valleys, it's tough to be on top of the mountain. Nope, give me life's up and downs, highs and lows. I want my joyful experiences to be truly joyful when measured against life's woes. To be "happy" for an extended period of time would only be a flat line.

Anonymous said...

Nope, how can you be happy with out knowing what sorrow is?