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Monday, August 28, 2006

Question #284

Are you now or have you ever been a smoker?

How long have or did you smoke?

If you have quit, how long ago was that?

How do you feel about smoking?


Anonymous said...

I was a smoker for about 20 years - until 2 years ago. I liked smoking, but it is so bad for you.

I quit "cold turkey", and it was not so bad - at least I did not hurt or kill anyone.

If I ever get an incurable disease, I may start smoking again.

Anonymous said...

I have never smoked. Never had any interest in smoking largely due to the fact that my mother smoked so much. Car trips were hell, smoke filled and we weren't allowed to open the windows. I did of course. I was rebellious even as a child. My mother finally quit many years afterwards, I think largely because a dear friend of hers died on the operating table who was a prolific smoker and because her first grandchild came along. Unfortunately on Memorial Day of 2001 she was diagnosed with Throat Cancer and by January 5th, 2003 she was gone. It was a terrible loss for me and a terrible waste.

Anonymous said...

nope, n/a, n/a

I myself think that smoking is very bad for ones health and that second hand smoke is just as bad for your health also.

As a side bar, as the system admin for a payroll/HR system, I am being asked to set up different rates on health care insurance for smokers and non-smokers. (Smokers rates being higher) This is a hot topic right now in the benefits arena. I wonder when they will include obesity in the higher rates? (Cin - this could be a good QoD topic: Should people pay more for their health care if they have certain bad habits or diseases?)

Anonymous said...

I smoked when I was in high school until I got pregnant the first time, then I quit for my kids. That was about 20 years. After my divorce, I started and smoked for about 6 years until I met John. He nagged me into quitting, so I haven't smoked for about 4 years now. I want to smoke, I just don't want to get that yucky taste in my mouth after I smoke, nor do I want to be sick: headache and nausea, when I start up again. I just leave it alone and sometimes indulge in second-hand smoke. Yes, I know that's just as bad as the real thing, but I miss smoking--lots. I'm with Broco. If I ever get an incurable disease, I'll be up to at least a pack a day instead of the pack every three days I was.

Anonymous said...

2]63 years
3]3years 5months 16days
4]one da-- big waste of money but
when hooked you say how much you enjoy them. at the price they are
now i'm sure happy #1 daughter put
me on the patch when i had to stay
at her house for some months after
my car went over the embankment.

Anonymous said...

Well methinks you know the answer to this question my mathematical little friend!!
I smoked for 40 years. I loved it. I quit 4 weeks, 8 hours, 48 minutes and 48 seconds ago. In that time I would have smoked 567 cigs and spent $141.75 on them.
Am I glad I quit??
For other people I am.
I know I smelled nasty and that the 2nd hand smoke (even though I only smoked outside) was not good for my grandbabies...
Do I miss it?? Yes.
I'm with Bronco......tell me I'm a goner and I'll puff myself over the line!!!!