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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Question #334

Would you prefer to see the movie or read the book?

What movies have you seen that actually do justice to the book?


Anonymous said...

Usually I much prefer the book. My imagination is better equiped to give me the visuals than a movie, and the book is always better at delving into the backgrounds of the events and characters than a movie can.

That said, there are several movies that I think did justice to the book, and one book dear to my heart that the movie butchered.

Good Books, Good Movies:
Eaters of the Dead - The 13th Warrior
The Lord of the Rings (although the movies left out several parts of the story)
The Harry Potter books & movies

Great Book, horrible Movie:
Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein

Anonymous said...

Personally, I like both. I think this is because when I read the book, I use my imagination to picture the settings, the characters etc. as the author describes them with all the rich detail. When I go to the movie, I approach from the vain of seeing how someone else interpreted the visual aspects of the book along with the characterizations and dialog. Its kind of like looking a two different artists interpretation of the same painted still life.

Anonymous said...

Always read the book first; as a person who has an RTF minor, I appreciate movies, but what I can build in my mind with a good author is always better than the film.

Anonymous said...

plutt to movies!!!!!!!!!!!!
have never seen one.

Anonymous said...

The Green Mile was an wonderful book and the movie was excellent

cincin21 said...

Usually I prefer the book ... However there are a few movies I can think of that do justice to there books ... several have already been mentioned ...

The Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter
Green Mile ...

To that list I would add
Shawshank Redemption and the recent Lion Witch and Wardrobe.

Anonymous said...

I prefer reading then seeing the movie...esp. for Harry Potter.

Two good movies that did justice to the book: Horse Wisperer & Bridges of Maddison County