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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Question #632

What book(s) are you reading (or listening to) now ??


Anonymous said...

1. Mindfullness in Plain English.
2. New American Standard Bible.
3. Adobe Photoshop CS3 Classroom in a book.
4. Windows XP for Dummies

Anonymous said...

I'm just about to order one or two on Amazon but don't have the names written down next to me. (Short term memory is bad these days) I'll let you know what they are when I get them.

pampalmer7 said...

I'm reading the Securitites Training Corporation's guide to the Series 7. I take the test to become a licensed broker this summer. Talk about dry reading material. GAH! It's a huge struggle to get motivated to pick that sucker up each day!

Anonymous said...

Still suffering with the Last Templar. (1 or 2 cds remaining) ughhhhhh

Anonymous said...

Just finished Therapy, People of the Book and, Forever. Getting ready to start the new King book

Anonymous said...

1. Sand in my shoes, Sun on my hair by my Great Aunt Callie Rousseau - it is her memoirs.
2. The Last Templar - which will be the last book I read by this author....
3. Pirate of Exquisite Mind - about the explorer, botanist and pirate William Damphier - though I haven't picked it up in a while.
4. Freakonomics - again though I haven't picked it up recently.

Anonymous said...

Afterage, by Yvonne Navarro

Anonymous said...

I came back to this question so I could actually be reading it when I did my post.

"A New Earth, "Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" by Eckhart Tolle.
Yes, it's an Oprah choice but I actually didn't hear about it though that source. I am however going to take the free online course to help me deepen my understanding of the book.

So far it's been giving me a "relief" kind of peace.