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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Question #646

When you are sick with a Cold or the Flu ... how long does it usually take you before you will go see a DR?


Anonymous said...

Well I don't have any choice, whether I am sick or not, I see a DR (Dan Rousseau) everyday....

Anonymous said...

I go when I need a note to go back to work...or to keep my meds down...I take too many meds that I have to take!

Anonymous said...

It really depends on how bad it is. But I'll usually go a day or two with the flu. Maybe a week with a sinus cold type of thing.

My boss just missed a week of work and was at the ER twice with the flu, so it is not something to mess around with.

pampalmer7 said...

I rarely get sick, but when I do, I just stay home (or go to work!) and tough it out! As far as I know, I've never had the flu. Maybe my approach will change if that ever happens!

Anonymous said...

When I start running a fever.

Anonymous said...

I ALWAYS end up having to go to the doc./ I usually get brochitis unless I go...or even pneumonia. My mom tries to keep things from me, but apparantly I've always been this way. I do remember spending lots of time in doctors' offices. Go figure. I try to put the visit off as long as possible.

Anonymous said...

With a cold...I don't. Usually has to run it's course. If it get's worse like this last bout did, I SHOULD have gone earlier but I waited too long. Even after seeing the Doc though, it didn't help much. It was very strange and long and baaaad!

cincin21 said...

I got sick on Thursday .... and was basically a sloth all weekend ... when I didn't feel better by Monday ... AND was having trouble breathing ... I called the DR.

It's mostly the having trouble breathing thing which I don't like .... I go to the DR for that. Rarely does it get that bad for me ...