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Friday, May 29, 2009

Is LUST wrong if it's not hurting anybody? Explain .....


Hugh said...

I lust for Ice Cream, and I don't think that hurts anyone. But I believe that the meaning of lust is far more than what I wrote above. If I lust for my wife/girlfriend, and I'm in no way abusing her and she's O.K. with it, then I don't see where there is any harm. Pope John Paul II said though that if you looked at your wife with lust you had committed a sin. Well JPII, I really liked you as a human being, but you wouldn't have been here if it were not for lust of your father for your mother!

Lust is essential to maintaining a long term emotional relationship. With rare exception, I can't imagine love without lust of some sort.

Patr said...

Ah, an age old question. I belive that lust is a human condition. We all look for beauty in life. The priest looks for the peace and beauty of serving the lord - in a way, that is a lust. The artist seeks perfection to a lustful point. So no, I do not think lust is wrong, but it is like any other addiction - too much of it is wrong.