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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Question #607

What are you reading lately??

Seen any good movies?


Anonymous said...

I am reading, "Sun on my hair, Sand in my shoes", the memoirs of Callie Rousseau Brown. My Great Aunt Callie wrote it (98 years old) about her life and the history of our family on my father's side. As for movies: National Treasure 2, it is excellent.

cincin21 said...

WE have not been to the movie theater in quite a while ... so please let me know what is good out there!

I am reading a new Dean Koontz book called "The Darkest Evening of the Year" .... I just started it, so can't really tell you much about it except that it is about a Golden Retriever.

I am also reading "The Dark is Rising" by Susan Cooper .... which is a MUCH better book than the first one in the series.

Anonymous said...

We are listening to The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury in the car. I do not like the narrator, but the story is pretty good.

I am also reading "The Sugar Solution: Balance Your Blood Sugar Naturally to Avoid Disease, Lose Weight, Gain Energy,and Feel Great by Sari Harrar and The Editors of Prevention" - if any of the QoD people have or know a diabetic, this is a pretty good book/primer for the disease. Moderation is its theme.

I can not wait to listen to Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand! A very dear freind gave it to us and highly recommends it. ;)

I agree with PEF, National Treasure 2 was great.

Caroline said...

I never go to the theater, but we rented "Reign Over Me" recently and it is soooooo awesome. AMazZZZZing movie. Adam Sandler is semi serious but it is a memorable thinker movie. Another good one we rented was "Home of the Brave" about soldiers coming home w/ various injuries/issues from this war going on now. It is a must see for every American. Jessica Beil is in it, if you need something pretty to look at, and so is Christina Ricci. I would like to show it to people who are so against the war. Not to promote the war, but show that the soldiers are people, with lives..... As for books, I just started a new book last night, which I have owned for 9 years and never opened, called "Dear Birthmother". it is breaking down four myths people have in their minds about open adoption. I hope it helps me, so that I may help someone else.
ps. I posted Christmas pictures on my blog

Anonymous said...

Reading: Antony and Cleopatra--very good.

Movies: I Am Legend, National Treasure 2, and another I cannot remember. There are more I want to see.

Anonymous said...

Present reading: The Purpose Driven Life, Discover Magazine, Professional Photographer.

Movies: I REALLY missed out on Beowulf in 3D. I ahven't been to the movies since "The Simpsons" movie. I would like to see Beowulf and I am Legend.

La said...

I've been reading mostly informational stuff online.
We had to study up to get our NEW LIVING ROOM SET...

Which kind of gets to the movie thing... we always wait till the movies come out on DVD.

I recently watched "The Door In The Floor" again.

I liked that. It was weird.
and "My First Mister". That was offbeat and entertaining.

Anonymous said...

I am currently reading the directions on the back of my DayQuil Box and the tags on my Lipton Tea Bag! My family has been to 4 movies while I lay here and watch Bravo TV! Sniff! (This too shall pass! LOL)