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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Question #622

What 5 things would you consider yourself to be rather bad at?


Anonymous said...

Only 5? Hmmmm.....

1. Sending Christmas cards on time

2. Singing

3. Getting refreshing sleep at night.

4. Thinking Positive ABOUT MYSELF on a consistent basis.

5. Cleaning. My house is clean enough to healthy, but cluttered. I guess I'm bad about letting things go or throwing things out. I tend to think I'll be able to use them in some way and then never get around to it. My intentions are good......But I'm just now discovering the possible source of this so things may be looking up in this area soon! :~) One can only hope!

6. I used to be such a stubborned person, I would see everything I started, finished to the end. My weight loss program, for instance, is lacking due to this flaw.

Anonymous said...

1) Spontaneity
2) Time management
3) Goal Setting
4) Dancing - I'm planning on working on that this year
5) Instigating Change and coping with it

Anonymous said...

These change over time, so I'm going on what I feel today.

1. Patience
2. Spontaneity
3. Procrastinator - Time Management
4. Eating the proper foods.
5. Exercise/Weight

Anonymous said...

1. Boredom - I don't do well when I don't have things to do or work is slow. Drive's me to distraction.
2. Eating Good Foods - but I am getting measurably better about that - in fact 22 lbs of loss that I dont have to measure.
3. Exercising - working a bit on this too. It's not that I mind exerting energy, I just want it to be for a purpose like scoring a goal or a touchdown.
4. Compulsion - I can be compulsive about things I do. I have to constantly check myself on that - but alas, that becomes a compulsion too.... :-)
5. Contentment - I am a very driven, goal-oriented person sometimes to a fault. I need to take stock, realize what I have accomplished in my life and be content to a degree with where I am.

Anonymous said...

1. Cleaning house
2. Christmas cards
3. keeping records
4. crafts
5. knowing when to go to bed early

cincin21 said...

1. Speeling

2. Staying on a Diet.

3. Sleeping through the night.

4. Saving.

5. DeCluttering .... sigh ...