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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Question #626

Do you or your spouse/SO try to do your own home repairs/fix-ups ... or do you call a professional? Why?


Anonymous said...

I call a professional, becasue most likely I make it worse.

Anonymous said...

Well I have a good friend named Tom Jones (not the guy that sings "What's new pussycat"), that says, "It's already broke and I can't make it any more broke by trying to fix it, and I might learn something in the process". I don't always subscribe to this theory, but I have used it on occasion.

It depends on what the issue is as to whether or not I call a professional. Also depends on the level of actual work, if it is high, I'll call someone.

Anonymous said...

Back in "the old days" when we had less money and more energy and patience, we did everything (including turning 2/3 of our garage into office space). The only time I ever got REALLY worried is when "Sainted Hubby" said he had a plumbling job to do. No matter how small the job,that translated into: at least 3-4 days (sometimes longer); at least 2 days of no water; MANY trips to Home Depot and the hardware store and many expletive deleteds strung together in new and colorful ways! I often thought of just checking into a Hotel but thought I needed to be here to call the EMT's....just in case!

Now, he calls in professional people for EVERYTHING and it rather annoys me! I don't like strange people in my house and I think there are things we could do as a couple (except plumbing, of course) that would save a lot of money and it might actually be fun? Besides, all those tools he has out in the garage (the ones he just couldn't live without)are basically just sitting there, not being used. Poor lonely old power tools (and the drill with the 900 bits of all shapes and sizes and metric this and that). Oh and let's not forget the table saw and jigsaw that we have downstairs! Sigh...

Anonymous said...

I let Tom Jones break it more and then call the professional. Or my Dad. He is a WIZARD!

"You'll find he is a whiz of a Wiz! If ever a Wiz! there was"

cincin21 said...

LOL!!! Good answer RH!!! Ha!!

Thank goodness Tom is not afraid to call the professionals!!

This time, it is the dryer!

Anonymous said...

Most of the time I'll try, but I know my limits. I have a home warranty for most stuff. I call!