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Thursday, April 02, 2009

April 2, 2009

What, in your opinion, is the most significant problem facing the world right now?


Kay said...

Lack of the respect of one human for another. When magnified around the world, that can be the root of so many of the world's problems.

Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion the same signficant problems face the world right now, that have always faced the world:

1. Greed
2. Apathy and Indifference
3. Nationalism in the extreme
4. Intolerance (Cultural, Religous, Ethnic etc.)

Notice I did not say:

1. Current economic crisis - its a cycle, the correction will run its course and we will begin again.

2. Global Warming, Global Climatic Change, Carbon Footprinting or whatever the latest vernacular is - why? Because folks we live on a living breathing ROCK hurtling through space orbiting the Sun at approximately 66,660 miles per hour and our ability to actually effect the lifecycle of this enormous complex system within many greater systems is about nil. Just hang on and enjoy the ride!

But alas, I must be tolerant of other's viewpoints on the matter, so I will look forward to reading them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kay, but would like to add that ignorance of others beliefs & cultures hinders the understanding of the "why" people are not like "me". If we understand the "whys" maybe more peoples of the world would respect each other more.


Hugh said...

Unbridled Greed followed by lack of respect for mankind and the environment overall.

Unfortunately I have to side with Alan Greenspan who said that we all would be talking about this again, meaning the current economic crisis due to greed WILL happen again. But the bold faced audacity of the major players is now nothing short of shocking.

I've always told Tom MacKinnon that I beleived presently we find ourselves in the same situation as the Robber Barons of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and I called it before the current economic crisis.

That is why I stand so resolute for drastic measures this time around. It is painfully apparent that our government and those we trusted with our confidence to protect us -utterly failed, i.e. lesson not learned!

Our Government only understands the rule of the gun, meaning military, but is woefully inadequate at protecting the standard needs and rights of it's plebiscite

Nothing is perfect, this fact was woven into the fabric of space-time at the inception of the universe which most agree was the Big Bang!

We are doomed to repeat history, it is as inevitibality.

Patr said...
