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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 22, 2009 ....

Happy Earth Day .... are you planting anything new this year?

What kind of luck do you have with growing things?


Patr said...

No plans to plant anything yet. I'm sure PEF will have something in mind. I have a brown thumb.... Plants who enjoy neglect like me. For example: I have a rose bush that I just leave alone - It is taking over the BACK YARD!!!! Why, I do nothing to it. Who says Roses are fickle.

Anonymous said...

I plant all sorts of stuff every year. I am also splitting and donating lots of plants to our local community college. I took 4 years of horticulture in high school, so I am lucky to have a green thumb. If I could only figure out how to get ride of moles & chipmunks!


cincin21 said...

WE already planted a Rose of Sharon bush ... and some new St Augustine grass in the shady areas of our front yard ... will be planting tomato plants in our topsy-turvey planters SOON ....

If I keep things watered, I keep them alive ....

Hugh said...

I do not have a green thumb. I enough trouble maintaining the yard.

This morning the Moon and Venus 'kissed'. Venus moved behind the Moon. What an awesome opener for Earth Day!

Kay said...

No, I'm not planting anything new as I have a whole new yard full of plants that need some TLC after being neglected by the previous owner.
I generally have good results with most of my plants. Working outdoors and digging in the dirt is my favorite form of exercise.
Needless to say, EVERY day is Earth day to me.

Pacific Electric Fan said...

I want to plant a boat load of Pampass Grass down the property line on the north side of our property both as a view break and a natural fence to keep the kids from running through that part of the lawn. I also want something that will soak up the ridiculous amount of water my neighbor uses to keep his St. Augustine Grass green in full sun. Worthless stuff! I tried to convince him to plant anything but St. Augustine but did he listen? It is a good grass to use in shady areas but it is an invasive weed.

Also have plans to begin our raised perennial gardens this year, though I need to make sure our sprinkler system is modified to allow soaking hoses to feed these.