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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Question #374

Are you a "team player" or are you best working on your own?

Explain ....


Anonymous said...

While I can work independently, I more enjoy working as a part of a team and I especially like leading teams. My sense of teamwork came from playing team sports and was later reinforced when I joined the Navy. Military units, no matter their size or complexity, do not function well if everyone is not contributing their best performance in a collaborative way towards a defined goal. Anything short of that can be fatal.

I also feed off of other people's input, intellect and experience - it elevates my game.

Anonymous said...

Ity depends on what I am doing. If it something that is better done alone - then I work alone.

I currently work with a team of people - each with his/her own role in the mortgage loan process. I have had to learn to trust (but verify!!) that each person will accomplish his/her task.

Anonymous said...

It depends. There are certain things that I know what to do and I do it better myself. (You know the old addage, too many cooks....)

There are other times when the "team" approach is fun, more efficient,more gratifying and also a learning experience.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

RH add on....I've been trying to get my hubby to delegate more work to his "team" of employees. He's a bit of a perfectionist and just a tad of a control freak! LOL He's also been burned in the past by bad employees when he has tried delegating. He's felt no one can do it better than he could (and for the most part, he was right! LOL)But he would also end up re-writing his staff's reports instead of handing it back to them to correct, so really, what motivation did they have to write it properly the 1st time? But I digress...

Reading Bronco's post, I think he left out the missing piece which was "verify". So now he finally has a great group of employees that love working with him, so he needs to let go of the reigns a bit but develop a system of "checks and balances".

Anonymous said...

Several times I received "does not play well with others" on my report card. Go figure. I am quite concrete sequential, so most times I'm better off on my own.

I miss you guys in the mornings. Darn that old school network!!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely prefer working on my own. I have met very few (I can think of 5 people) that I enjoy working with in a team environment in my field of work. I consider all of them equal to or exceeding my skill level. I do not suffer fools very well.

But what else would you expect from a spoiled only child!

Caroline said...

mostly alone........ it is hard to relinquish the control and let someone else do part of something.

Anonymous said...

depends on what i am workig on