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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Question #389

What do you think about AirTran, the airline who made an unruly 3 year old and her parents get off the plane before taking off?

Here are the details ...


Anonymous said...

As someone who has flown with crying, puking, yelling, slobbering, ill, moaning, whining children, and who has flown with her own children who were threatened within an inch of their lives if they did not behave properly, I applaud the airline. As a society we've become so PC, so hands-off that we allow just about anything without protest. I think we must be the only country in the world where we take offense if someone tries to discipline our kids.

I'll fly Air-Tran if they keep up this trend. I'm sick of parents who will not control their kids!

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is a hard situation. As one of the other passengers, I would want the airline to take the action they did. But empathizing with the parents, it is difficult sometimes to calm a child on an aircraft.

But this story illustrates a bigger issue in the airline industry. Having flown quite a bit since 9/11, I can tell you that flight crews have become less and less customer focused and more like flight Nazis. Due to the restrictions and new laws passed since 9/11, a flight crew's words or actions are LAW! Period, end of story. And some of these folks are revelling in the new found power they have despite the fact that they are providing a service that I PAY FOR!

We were discussing this just yesterday and one of my co-workers was on a flight, where a man mouthed off a couple times to the flight attendant. He was not beligerent mind you, or a threat to anyone. However, upon landing the pilot informed everyone to stay in their seats. Two uniformed officers came onboard, put the man in handcuffs and escorted him off the plane under arrest. My co-worker overheard the flight attendant say to another, "Guess I showed him!". This is not the kind of behavior I expect in a service industry. This is way out of hand.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I saw from the story that they bought and paid for a seat in front of them. Why didn't one of the parents move up and take that seat, leaving the other parent to sit next to the child, properly buckled in, and properly occupied? Am I missing something here? Why didn't the flight attendant suggest this? Surely they see this kind of thing often. Perhaps the child was frightened, bored, whatever. Heaven knows, I've flown with screaming, unruly children and it's been an awful, almost torturous flight. But I think they could have been given just a few more minutes to try to settle her. When you're "under the gun", so to speak, it's hard to think! The child was probably picking up on her parents nervousness as well. Cooler heads and a bit of creativity would have served them all better, I think.

Anonymous said...

Not knowing the full story, I'm not sure what to say.

If the plane was in deed about to taxi away from the gate, then Go Flight Attendant! I would not have wanted to be on the plane with an unruly child.

However, if the flight was still boarding, as we all know takes 45 minutes since we hold the plane for those people who can't seem to get on the plane when it is time to board!!!!.... then boo the "Flight Nazi's"...
Overall, I'm just sick of flying and being treated like a criminal sardine. However, that being said, what alternatives do we have? I am an 'employee' that company begrudges you taking all your vacation time at once. It is even hard to take a FULL week anymore...and with family 3 driving days away...6 of 10 vacation days are in the car...

Anonymous said...

The kid was a brat on the airplane, and the parents did not control her. And, when they were interviewed (trying to get a media outcry started against the airline), the kid was a brat then too. The media did not react the way the parents wanted, and the airline was right in throwing them off the airplane.

They did get their airfares refunded and even were offered additional 1st class tickets, which they turned down.

The inmates are running the asylum.

Anonymous said...

ALL RIGHT AIR TRAN! You all have really got the guts to do what few would do.

I'm sure all of us have seen children acting and behaving in a manner that all of us know for sure that we wouldn't/couldn't get away with, let alone attempt as children. One of the biggest problems in America today is our youth. For the most part they are good, well educated kids, however there is the exception to every rule. In this case it is the rule of the parents and/or authority. Too many parents want to be the kids friend, and not discipline them.

I have seen this over and over, and it starts when the parents can't stand to hear their kid crying in the crib, and therefore go in and get the kid, or something of the sort to relieve the kid of their anxiety. Please DO NOT misunderstand me, if the child is sick or hungry, it is an entirely different matter. However I am writing of first hand knowledge of seeing the parents do this because the kid cried just because they didn't want to go to bed/ take a nap. The Pediatrician SAID let the child cry until she is exhausted and falls asleep. Could this mother do this - OH NO! Now this mother insists on being this childs friend, child calls her by her first name. I don't know what soap opera this lady is watching but she is screwing up her child, and there are leagues of people out their doing the same. Maybe she should watch the "Nanny' shows and pick up on a few tricks.

So it doesn't suprise me at all that Air Tran would do this given the circumstances. The child posed a threat to crew and passengers by not following essential government mandated protocol.

In short Air Tran was well within their rights to do this. Let's see where this goes as I'm curious what the next move on the parents will bring. Are they minoroties?

Anonymous said...

Bronco didn't see the interview, but sounds like you are right on.

I am with PATR on the flying thing. IT JUST PLANE SUCKS! Pun intended.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hugh....I have to disagree with something you brought up. Modern Theory supports that Pediatricians who suggest that the parents should let the child cry until she is exhuasted and falls asleep are wrong. Penolope Leach suggests a Middle of The Road Approach. If you let the child cry it out, they view bedtime as something unfavorable and their room as something unpleasant. They therefore do not look foreward to repeating it the next night and so on. So it sets up a bad routine. If, on the other hand, the parents go in and pick up the child, it reinforces to the child that the crib is a "bad place" as well and any small utterance will bring Mommy or Daddy to them. She suggests that you set up a routine that is pleasant. Reading a story, singing a lullybye, etc. amd placing them in their crib and saying "Good Night" and leaving. The child begins to cry. You wait 5 minutes and go in and reassure the child but DO NOT PICK THEM UP! Just pat them down and and say "Good Night" and leave. Then you wait say, 10 minutes and do it again, if the child cries again. Eventually, the child realizes he/she is not going to get picked up but he/she realizes that Mom or Dad is there and they don't fear bedtime. The behavior is gone in 3 days, usually. I experienced this 1st hand with my son. We never had the problem with my daughter because we started using the Penelope Leach method from the get go. I don't know, I just think it makes sense and it's more...gentle? Just my 2 cents! LOL