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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Question #438

Do you think the administrators and security at Virginia Tech did the right things yesterday?


Rant Master said...

They treated the 1st shootings as what they apeared to be - a domestic incident (boy friend shooting girlfriend & another person.

They had no way to know that this guy was going crazy and was going to shoot up the campus, so they reacted properly.

But, hindsight being 20-20, the hue and cry to place blame on the school administration will be loand and raucous - especially from the media.

"Why didn't you lock down a 2600 acre campus with dozens of buildings and thousands of people coming and going?"
"Why couldn't you read the mind of the wacko and prevent this from happening?"

I see multiple law uits, with Virginia Tech paying out millions.

cincin21 said...

I think Virginia Tech handled the situation exactly right.

No one should be expected to read the mind of such a person as this shooter.

I, myself, am still questioning whether the Norris Hall shooter is the same person who killed the first two people.

Someone needs to be level headed about all of this ... and VT shouldn't have to pay out ANYTHING in lawsuits.

Even if they had "locked down" the campus somehow ... just how long would they be expected to keep it "locked down"?? Until the killer was caught? What if it took weeks to find the first killer?

VT and zillions of other campuses are going to be forced by public and media outcry to come up with some sort of alert system to alert the entire student body instantly of the slightest little thing happening on campus. Any suggestions? Here's a real money making opportuity for someone!

Anonymous said...

All of the best preventive efforts could not have thoroughly locked down a campus. College campuses are too spread out and have too many people who come and go throughout the day that do not even live on campus. They did the best they could with the information they had. The police acted quickly to both incidents once known. It's just a shame that anyone had to die.

Anonymous said...

Firstly I'd like to say that this week isn't a good one for me, and in fact April overall isn't a good month for me. Apr 6th, 93' - College finace' breaks-up with me and starts dating classmate/freind (there when it happened); Apr 19th, 93' - Waco (not there); Apr 19th, 95' - Oklahoma City Bombing (downtown when it happened); Apr 20th, 99'(not there) choose date so not to interfer with Apr 19th. They figured 'it had already been taken' - Columbine. Now Apr 16th, 2007 - Virginia Tech (not there).

In self-protection mode I have not followed the news media as they will be feeding on this like sharks on chum for a month while other more pertinent long-term matters go unchecked.

The only fact I know is how many died, and for me the rest is speculation on anybodys' part, including the media, especially the media. I wonder which sick pervert is now going to use this to make a buck by commercializing-sensationalizing this tragedy. I smell a book and TV movie. Watch for the comic book.

I will wait until the facts are out and then decide for myself. In the mean-time I'll pray for the 33 lost souls from this tragedy, not to say that I don't pray for all the faceless-nameless other people who also died on the same day.

Sandy said...

I don't think blame can be put on anyone, there was no way that anyone could have even guessed this young man would turn his gun on these innocent students. The only way the university administration can patrol each and every student that enters the various buildings is to put in place x-ray machines and metal detectors & pay people to man them 24/7. This of course would be cost prohibitive, and it could still happen outside. Each student needs to be more diligent in the future, and notice everything and everyone around them, and if someone does look suspicious, or seems to be acting in a way that would scare them, then that person should be reported to the school officials and have them intercede at that point. I don't think we will be able to completely stop this type of behavior from happening as there are so many sick people buying guns now.

Anonymous said...

I think expecting school personnel to be police is insane.
I haven't been watching coverage, but that doesn't mean I haven't seen and heard all the public stances on this.

All the politics eck! photo ops for all of them.
It makes me sick.
It makes the whole country depressed.

It just goes to show that there are wacko's out there beyond our wildest imaginings.

Anonymous said...

Here goes my 2 cents:

I think the administrators and security (based on what I read here) probably did the right things. I was sick and did not see much about this incident until today, 3 days later.....

A) There is no way you can 'lock' down a whole community (which is what a college campus is to be honest)

B) There are always going to 'psychos' and what makes it worse, the media gives them attention case in point: look at NBC!!!!! They received the killers manifesto! Big deal.... Who cares he is a MURDER and should not be given the time of day much less HOURS upon HOURS of news coverage. Who should be given the new time are tributes to the people who didn't get to live out their Manifesto's! Their dreams... Their hopes, their aspirations!!!! This just really makes me mad.....