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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Question #444

Texas is known for it's liberal use of the Death Penalty. The Dallas Morning News is now coming out against the Death Penalty.

How do you feel about the Death Penalty?

If there were an execution televised, would you watch it?


Anonymous said...

From a purely economic standpoint I am all for the death penalty. I hate seeing my tax dollars used to house criminals. From a legal/moral standpoint, it is a tough question because we know we have executed innocent people and the only way to avoid that is to not execute anyone. But then we end up paying to keep them, unless we change our system to a system like some other countries have which is we provide the cell but your family or friends must provide your clothing, food and medical. Additionally, in some cases the crime committed by the individual is so heinous yet they get a lethal injection which hardly seems like punishment fitting the crime. But as my mother often said, "life isn't fair".

No I would not watch an execution unless it was for a person that I knew committed a crime against me or my family or friends.

Anonymous said...

At the core I think, when they can know for sure who is really guilty..go for it, then I think about the exicutioner. How can that be a job? What person does that and how can that be good for us as a nation to support. We have way too many innocent or oversentenced people in the jails now. Being in prision could be a death sentence with the violence that goes on.
Something is wrong with the whole shlameal.

No I would not watch.

Anonymous said...

At the core I think, when they can know for sure who is really guilty..go for it, then I think about the exicutioner. How can that be a job? What person does that and how can that be good for us as a nation to support. We have way too many innocent or oversentenced people in the jails now. Being in prision could be a death sentence with the violence that goes on.
Something is wrong with the whole shlameal.

No I would not watch.

Rant Master said...

I am for the death penalty - and I think overall our system does a good job of determining guilt or innocence.

And, it seems to take decades to go through all the appeals, so that is a big check and balance against executing an innocent person.

Like PEF, I have no desire to see an execution, unless it is someone who has killes someone near and dear to me.

I do think executions should be public - it makes it more apparent that this deters the killer from doing it again.

I also think they should have publicc humiliation - like the pillory or the stocks - where criminals are put on display and everyone can point and laugh - I think this would be an excellent deterent.

And bring back public flogging!

The bleeding hearts who always blame crime on poverty or the environment or something other than the criminal will fight anyof my suggestions - until they become a victim of crime.

Anonymous said...

Last question first: NO I would want watch it. But I agree with Mr Rant, public punishment might be an answer.

How do I feel about the Death Penalty? I am completely torn. One part of me says it is a necessary evil, but then again, why do we feel that we should use the power to end someone's life... That being said, were the felon associated with the injury of someone I care about, give me the dang needle!

FYI: If you are a fence sitter like me, I highly recommend the movie Secrete Life of David Gale. I focus' on the use of the death penalty in Texas. It is a very eerie thought provoking movie. I didn't change my mind to either side, but it sure did raise the 'fence' on my beliefs.

cincin21 said...

The DMN is coming out against the death penalty while the Texas Legislature is trying to make sex crimes against children a Death Penalty situation.

The Texas Legislature has a point!!!

And I think there is something to killing a person exactly the way they killed their victims .... but who wants to be responsible for doing that?

Karma issues abound.

Hmmmmm ....