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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Question #440

This week is TAKS week in Texas Public schools.

How do you feel about standardized testing in schools?


Anonymous said...

I think standardized tests are wonderful. They are so insightful and tell us everything we could ever want to know about a students performance and knowledge. They really are the greatest invention of modern teaching and testing. I think everyone should have to take them every year of school, except ME!

(There. I think that response is dripping with enough sarcasm)

Caroline said...

it pisses me off but i can't exactly explain why...... i guess sort of because the whole teaching method is revolved around passing the state's test

Rant Master said...

I don't have a problem with standardized tests - AS LONG AS THEY TEST WHAT IS BEING TAUGHT IN CLASS.

When you have highly paid "consultants", who either have never been in a classroom or haven't been in one in years, developing tests each year THAT HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP TO WHAT IS BEING TAUGHT, then there is a huge problem.

The other major problem is when the results of the tests are used to "grade" the school, and determine how much state and federal money goes to that school and/or school district.

The law on unintended consequences takes control, and the schools force the teachers to teach to the test, which means they are not teaching the subject.

The whole TAKS thing has become a complete farce.

Anonymous said...

Standardized testing hmmm, the kids should be prepared simply by doing the regular school work. If they are actually learning they should be able to pass the test. If not they should be repeating the grade and not pushed on until they are hopelessly lost. This is the responsibility of the parents and administration. The teachers are doing everything they can to "police" and teach.

pampalmer7 said...

The pressure put on the students and the teachers to excel on the TAKS is enormous. I have clients whose 7 year old children are developing stomach problems, headaches, etc. because of the stress of TAKS. I know of many teachers who now opt to teach in private schools instead of public so that they do not have to "teach to the test".

I have no problem with standardized tests if they test what was taught in class, as rant master said. When teachers lose all ability for creative teaching because they have to focus on passing the TAKS, our kids are the ones that suffer.

Anonymous said...

If the standardized testing is in deed developed based on the curriculum taught in the grade (at the level the test is given) and it truly tests what the student should have learned during a 'short' time periods (as opposed to the current exit TAKS test, which I think covers 10 years!) then I think they can be a useful tool.

The problem is "STANDARDIZED".... not everyone should go to college. Everyone should NOT become lawyers, doctors or CEO's. Some people's path in life is not destined to hold 'lofty' positions. (Excuse me if I insult anyone) But ditches still need digging, sewers still need cleaning, roads still need paving.... When are we going to realize that the basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics will just get you so far! And that TRADES and knowing how to use your hand and body are just as important.

Yes, I have a college education. Yes, I have a computer career. Yes, I am being paid accordingly. BUT! I am being paid what I am because there are 1500 hard working laborer's that endure a hot, dirty, grimy, filthy environment day in and day to and produce the companies wares. And I can guarantee that there are less than 1% of these individuals that have a college education and that a majority of them did not graduate from high school.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read the other posts. In my opinion Standardized tests both make and break schools. I live in an area where the mexican, yeap mexican, they aren't from honduras, or venezuela, they are mexicans: are taking over the neighborhood. Mark Twain Elementary used to be both a 'Koality (?)' school and received those 'distinguished awards' from the state for doing so well on thier standardized testing.

Although a study hasn't been done it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out when the Principal of the school tells you that the english speaking base is being diluted due to what I'm going to call mexicans, that the standardized testing will start to faulter, i.e. statistically track down. So the Principal got alot of funds and was able to pay the teachers more to teach ESL classes in an effort to bring the students up too par on english alone, not just testing. Yeap - you heard it here, the ESL teacher got paid more to teach than the teacher who taught math. This is according to the principal.

Well one day they change the whole regime at Mark Twain Elementary, starting with Principal down to the last teacher. The janitors and lunch staff get to stay, afterall they don't teach!

Turns out that the standardized test scores were below par. We all know why this happened as well, the kids can't understand the test since it is written in english, and thier mom and pop only care to speak english when they can make a buck. I know this since I've got that situation across the street from me.

Now people don't want to move into my neighborhood, oh excuse me, the mexicans want to move into my neighborhood, but english speaking people do not. At the PTA meetings they have to have a mexican translator so the audience can understand.

Do you all see a trend here, and if you don't by now then you probably aren't, so let me put it in plain english. Illegal alien mexican immigrants are flooding texas schools who don't give a damn about testing, parents don't want to learn the language, and the rest of us trying to do right by ourselves suffer as a result of it. Our political and educational systems are failing us. I really wish those of us born here would wake up and realize that. I've tried to do something about it and the mexicans just label us. I know so, because the ones across the street seem to think that I was given everything I have, yet I worked for it just like they do.

There is my Dos Pesos!

Anonymous said...

i hate those tests i think that is stupid that our whole year is based on thoses test......we could pass the whole year and then i could fail the test.....retarteddddd that is how i feel

cincin21 said...

I think the Iowa Basics was a good test and should be used nation wide.

All these are states developing their own tests ... and there is actually no one deciding if the test itself is a decent measuring device. PLUS Texas just keeps changing the rules ... constantly ... there is nothing "fair" about the testing in Texas. Once we begin to get a handle on what it is the test wants, they change the entire testing system ... I am so glad to be out of the classroom now.