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Friday, June 15, 2007

Question # 479

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D.

Q #11

You are given the power to kill people simply by thinking of their deaths and twice repeating the word "good-bye". People would die a natural death and no one would suspect you. Are there any situations in which you would use this power?

Bonus Question: If you can imagine killing someone indirectly, could you still see yourself doing so if you had to look into the person's eyes and stab the person to death? Have you ever genuinely wanted to kill someone, or wished someone dead?


Anonymous said...

No I don't think I would use the power. And no, I don't think I could take a persons life. And yes, I wished my ex to be dead several times, but now he is better off living in misery without the WONDERFUL ME!!!! (HA!)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would use the power...but only if the situation is so dire, that I could not function with that person alive. Yes, there is one person I could kill in person, if I ever see him again! Yes, I have wished him dead many, many, many times over, and over, and over again.

Anonymous said...

What PATR and TRJ said. I don't need to add anymore.

cincin21 said...

Oh boy am I glad that I do not have this power!!! I am afraid that I would have a lot to atone for upon my own death!

My anger burns hot and bright and fiercly directed ... like a laser ... and I know several people who would be Dead, dead, dead .... who eventually I came to just dislike somewhat or actually forgave for their sins against me or mine.

'Tis best that I do not have this power.

However ... if I were ever to catch a child molester ... look out!

Rant Master said...

I would use it - VERY selectively. There is evil in the world that needs to stop existing.

It sure would be tempting to use it alot - I can think of a few people we would be better off without, but hopefully I would refrain. That old saying applies here in spades

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." I do not really want to be corrupted.

Can I just make them really sick?

As for the bonus question - if I am willing to kill them at a distance, I better be willing to kill them up close.

I have never genuinely wanted to kill someone I knew, not have I wished some dead.

I am thinking more like pest removal - like Osama or Mullah Omar or that Shiite dip stick in Iraq - his name escapes me right now - or that jerk Assad who runs Syria or the other jerk who is Prez of Iran Amadinajad (or however it is spelled)

Anonymous said...

I've had nightmares that I had killed someone and I was about to get found out. The idea of killing someone for any reason seems foriegn. However, having said that. There is one man, a rapist that I know. I think I could stab him in the eye while looking into it.

Anonymous said...

no no way would i do that