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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Question #497

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #29

Have you ever hated anyone? If so, why and for how long?


Rant Master said...

I have hates several people - my drill sargeant during basic training and several of my football coaches.

These men were are cruel to no purpose - they could get away with it so they did.

Anonymous said...

When in the Air Force I roomed offbase with two women. One was a sadist. Still hate her, which the only person it is really affecting is me. I know forgiveness is the key to relieving this hate, but for reasons unknown I can't seem to get over it. In fact I didn't even think of her until this question.

Tom - I'm with you on military basic training. Sorry to hear about the coaches.

Anonymous said...

Yes. My Ex. Why? He never understood the meaning of a partnership. He viewed everything as a possession to lord over. For how long? Well, I still do sometimes....I think I pitty him more now that anything, but sometimes that hatred will wash over me and Hugh is right, the only person it hurts is me.

Anonymous said...

No to be goody two shoes here, but I really don't put much creedence in hating anything or anyone. I might get mad but never for very long because it affects my positive nature. As PATR will tell you I am positive to a fault. I may demand a lot of myself and others but I am very positive in nature.

Anonymous said...

1 person from a long, long time ago and I'd rather not discuss the reasons why. I've since learned to forgive....or at least am still trying to. If I don't, then he still wields power over me. I have strongly disliked a few people! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hating someone implies I have feelings toward them. Any one who I dislike that much does not deserve to have any of my emotions wasted on them so my answer would be no.

pampalmer7 said...

I hate my ex-husband. Not because he's and idiot and a loser and treated me like crap, but because he is a bad person in general. He ignores his daughter and puts her at the bottom of his list. It absolutely kills her to know that her dad doesn't think she's worth his time and for that I hate him....the voodoo doll question comes back to me from last week. I wasn't able to answer then, but I will now. I would like nothing more than to have a voodoo doll of my ex and I would use it often without fear!

cincin21 said...

OH yes ... I have hated ... generally my hate burns intensely ... but also briefly.

I really don't buy in to all the forgiveness stuff ... there truly is evil out there and evil does not deserve to be forgiven .... that doesn't mean you actively have to continue hating as that truly does hurt your health ... but I am very careful with the "forgiving and forgetting" thing.

If you do me wrong, I might forgive, but I won't forget ...