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Monday, July 30, 2007

Question #505

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #37

What was your best experience with drugs or alcohol? What was your worst experience?


Anonymous said...

Well I cannot say that I have had any experiences with drugs, other than eating a whole bottle of children's aspirin as a child because it tasted like candy. Being made to throw it all up did nothing to enhance the experience but I think it did cure me from every wanting to mess with drugs.

On the score of alcohol, my best experience is when a buddy of mine in college decided to try and get me drunk, which I had never been up to that point. His motive was to one, see what I would be like drunk and two, to finally beat me in playing pool. Much to his consternation, my pool playing skills which were good enough to hold the table all night in college, improved to near phenominal level when drunk. I still won. The worst experience with alcohol, I haven't really had one. Never got so drunk I passed out or got sick. Never got a DUI or in an accident. Lucky I guess.

Anonymous said...

Best: A weekend in Arkansas with the Rowdy Rita's. Plenty of good frinds, food, wine and margarita's.

Worst: I have made myself sick with alcohol three times, but the worst was during the divorce. Never EVER drink alone!

Rant Master said...

There is no best.

The worst was my 21st birthday - I drank 21 of those little airline bottles of Jack Daniels. To this day, smelling Jack Daniels makes me nauseous.

Anonymous said...

Best, I am a soft buzz gal.
I don't like harsh drugs and I'm not into alcohol's effects on me or most others.
Mind you, I really enjoy a fun, drunk.

Having said that..the best was mushrooms with my sister in California many years ago...we were sitting on the front steps of the house watching the world go by and it was HILARIOUS!

Worst...the ONE time I got really drunk was on Tequila..
do it right they say..
It was much fun until my legs decided to turn to mush.
I went down like a load of bricks and SMACKED the crap out of the underside of my chin...slamming my teeth togeather..on the way to the floor.

It wasn't painful (at the time) but I did see the white light for a brief moment.

Other stupid decisions I've made drunk...
here's one:
After not drinking much at all for years (recalling the previous incident); I had some wine on a nice summer day in Ventura, like a half glass, with my sister, and I felt "fine".
I was going to drive about 8 blocks to my house and get something.
Here's the sucky part,
My nephew, who was only a young boy at the time but as tall as me, convinced me (in my mentally stooped state) that his dad let him drive "all the time". ..

I actually was dumb enough to let this kid get behind the wheel of my car. WHAT?
I think he was 12ish...

Anyway, it wasn't pretty.
The moment his foot hit the gas and it went into drive we entered the slo mo world of a stoooopid accident.

Slowly and completly without control he pulled away from the curb....drove maybe 20 yards along the curb and turned the wheel just in time to use the rear wheel of his Auntie Colleen's BRAND NEW van as a ramp.
The front passenger wheel rolled up onto it and we turned over on our side. It was all very surreal..went fast and slow at the same time. By the time anyone had seen us we were both out of the car (which was up on it's side..driver side). Luckily my sister's husband looks like a linebacker and so do his brothers, they got the car upright before the police and ambulance arrived. eeks!

We lied, said I was driving. I didn't go to jail.
Nobody got injured.
It was a big slap in the face from the Universe.
the end

Caroline said...

i can't be honest on the internet.LOL