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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Question #503

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #35

Would you give up half of what you now own for a pill that would permanently change you so that one hour of sleep each day would fully refresh you?

Bonus Q's .... Do you feel you have enough time? If not, what would give you that feeling? How much has your attitude about time changed as you've aged??


Anonymous said...

I would never give up 1/2 that I own for anything.

And no, I don't feel like I have enough time, personal time that is. Time outside of this 2,080+ hour a year JOB to do everthing I want to do.

My attitude has change in that I work to live now vs living to work. As I have aged I no longer want to devote so much time working for 'the man'. (Might change again were I to do somthing I enjoy once again)

pampalmer7 said...

Since I don't really have much, 1/2 wouldn't hurt and I would love to not need 8-9 hours sleep just to function! I'll do it!

I never feel like I have enough time. 10 years ago it really stressed me out. Now, I can roll with it a little more. If everything gets done and I still get quality time with friends and family, great. If things don't get done, I'll still headed for the pool of my favorite Lewisville residents :) Chores can wait. The messy house and the laundry and the bills will all be there when I get home.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't do it.
I love to sleep and dream. I love my restful time.

I don't care about giving up half of what I have...they can have it...

I like my "stuff" but it's not a scarey trade... I've lived with a LOT less and been happy.

Stuff is stuff...just don't take my love, my art or my water.

Rant Master said...

I like sleeping - so no thanks.

My attitude towards time as not really changed - except looking back. There is a lot more behind me no than there used to be.

Anonymous said...

I never feel fully refreshed no matter how long I sleep but I still would not give up 1/2 of what I own. 1/2 of what I own is also 1/2 of my hubby's and he sleeps like a baby! Plus, we intend to pass it on to our kids one day and they sleep just fine! (It would be rather selfish! LOL)

I just need to be a better time manager and then I'd have plenty of time. I waste too much time worrying about how much I have to do instead of just doing it!