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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Question #498

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #30

Would you rather be given $10,000 for your own use or $100,000 to give anonymously to strangers??

What if you could keep $1,000,000 or give away $20,000,000??


cincin21 said...

This is an odd question ... and my answer, either way, would be for purely selfish reasons ...

I would choose to give away the $100,000 ... why? Because it would make ME feel good to help people ... especially if I got to see them recieve the money and if I know why they have a desperate need for it. And to happily give away money to the needy could only improve my Karma, right?? But see ... that is being selfish!

As for the $1,000,000?? Ummmmm .... I think I might keep that and invest it towards our retirement years ...

Selfish again ....

Anonymous said...

I have read and re-read the questions several times....and have been going back and forth on how to best answer. I want to say I would give away both counts...But alas, give me the money and let me pay off some of our debts….Guilty of greed and selfishness, I! I’m going to go feel like a dirty rotten rat for the rest of the day…..

Anonymous said...

I would invest it on both counts and create greater wealth for me and mine first and then take care of my family and friends, then take care of people who needed help with dividends.

Put another way, Andrew Carnegie is still building libraries and civic buildings, foundational charity and he has been dead for 88 years!

Rant Master said...

I would rather give away $100,000 than keep $10,000, and I would rather keep $1,000,000 then give away $20,000,000.

$10K is not enough incentive to keep, and $1 million is too much to give up.

Anonymous said...

You all don't know this about me but I am a very charitable person. I prefer to give of my time instead of money. The reason for this is we don't know how they are going to spend the money, or abuse it like the former head of the Salvation Army who had barely legal age girlfriends shacked up across the U.S. There will always be a need for people to help other people.

If I'm happy and my needs are being met, no other material thing brought into my life will improve on the happiness I have found within myself and God.

That said I'd give the money away. Wait until I'm in debt, I might answer another way.

pampalmer7 said...

I'm going with the purely selfish answers and saying I would keep it all on both counts. Debt is piling up and I'm sinking fast, so every penny I can get makes a difference right now. Ask me again when I'm back on my feet and I might be more charitable :)

Anonymous said...

Personally I would give $100,000 to someone anonymously---to somone truely deserving.

As for $1,000,000---that I would keep and put to very good use!
