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Friday, February 06, 2009

Question 02-06-09

What obligation do you believe you have to your country?


Anonymous said...

1. Be a law abiding citizen and uphold the Constitution of the United States
2. Exercise my rights under the Constitution, especially to vote and participate in our democratic republic
3. Contribute my talents, intellect and compassion to my community and to my fellow citizens
4. Serve in my country's defense, which I have done.
5. Be a good steward of the resources we possess and use in this country.
6. Pay all reasonable taxes or levies and fight all unreasonable ones.

Anonymous said...

What PEF said - except

#4 - too old now

Anonymous said...

I can sum it up like this. It is a saying that most soldiers know.

"All gave some, and some gave all".

I continue to champion better conditions for our existing soldiers, and veterans.

I also help feed the homeless regardingless of whether or not they were veterans.

I help with Habitat for Humanity.

I vote, and in doing so earn the right to complain when I think that our government goes wrong.

I conduct my life and try to err on the side of caution, and when having fun try to do so such that it doesn't hurt anyone else. Afterall some in society seem to think that they have the right to a continous party and wreck havoc on the untold masses.

cincin21 said...

Okay ... PEF's answer was awesome .... better than even I could think of myself .... so I am going to have to agre with him ... even with #4 ... which, I may be too old now ... but I am sensing that some very bad things are happening in America right now and that there may be a war on our soil before it is all over with ....

Communism has no place in America and it seems we have a few elected officials who don't understand that ...

Anonymous said...

Like PEF said - I cannot say it better - except for the taxes.