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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Question 02-26-09

At what age do most people become "old" and what is the secret to "staying young"?


Anonymous said...

I don't think there is an age when we become old. Old is a state of being that is a culmination of all that has come to bare on our bodies and minds.... a state when we may never return to a previous state of well being.

Anonymous said...

People become old when their minds start thinking in a uncompromising way. Or 'set in their ways' attitude. To stop allowing new ideas, new concepts and new possibilities into ones mind is to allow stagnation and stops growth.

cincin21 said...

Old is a state of mind ... no doubt. I like Kay's answer.

Staying young involves staying active mentally and physically ... and keeping up with what is new and changing in the world. Change for the sake of change is NOT always a good thing ... but some change will happen anyway .... riding the waves keeps one young ...