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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Question ... 03 X 03 = 09

Happy Square Root Day ....

Is it more essential to develop beliefs or to gain knowledge??


Anonymous said...

This is a non-logical question, a chicken-egg scenario. You need knowledge to shape and refine belief as much as you need belief to shape how you acquire and filter knowledge.

Both are equally essential.

Anonymous said...

While I agree is is a chicken/egg issue, knowlege should be a vital part of a belief.

But, how many wars have been waged due to strong belifes without knowlege? Quite a few.

Anonymous said...

I view both as inextricably intertwined. Without knowledge how can anyone have any beliefs.

If I were born on an island without radio, TV or religion, I can only go on what I know from the knowledge I gain from my parents, siblings, friends and nature. Such as eat the red berry, but not the green one.

I know this is an over simplification of a very complex issue, however I believe this illustrates the point well.

As Spencer Wells (Journey of Man) said so eloquently "It is mans ability to imagine outside of his own fixed reference, to look out over the water and imagine that there is land somehwere out there that has lead man to journey to new lands" This was used to illustrate that the peoples of ancient India migrated by water to Australia, and he has proved it genetically by sampling aborigines. This 'tinyurl' will lead you too Spencer Wells on the National Geographic Website: ->

Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492! Knowledge lead to belief! Belief lead to Discovery!

Anonymous said...

Knowledge is essential to developing belief. Without the knowledge, there can be no true belief

cincin21 said...

It is much more important to gain knowledge. I know way too many people who "believe" stuff and yet have absolutely no knowledge to back it up.

Gain knowledge, formulate your beliefs based on that knowledge, and then be able to reference that knowledge when someone asks you "Why do you believe this?"

Don't just take the word of someone else .... READ, ASK, STUDY, THINK, QUESTION!!! Then Believe.