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Monday, March 16, 2009

March 16, 2009 ....

Is WORK valuable for it's own sake?


Anonymous said...

Although WORK is a four letter word, it distinguishes us from the animals. For instance, apes and Aliens did not make the pyramids.

There is a deep need in man to work, accomplish things that set him apart from the animals in the hopes that we distinguish ourselves from the animals by pointing out our accomplishments.

For me personally, alot of my self worth is ties up in my work. work causes the most distress in my life. It is work, not play, not love, not relationships that causes me the most anguish. I DO NOT LIKE Management. How does a very intelligent person all of a sudden become stupid once they become management! I'm am not the only one who feels this way, as my co-workers say the same.

Anonymous said...

I am having a hard time answering this question today.

Yes, work is valuable for growth, discovery and accomplishment. But is that 'work' or something else?

So, I am just going to say Yes that is is valuable and will try to come up with a better answer as to why in my dreams tonight.

cincin21 said...

I do believe that work is VERY Valuable in it's own right. I think people NEED to work ...

Volunteering can be very addictive and makes you feel fantastic .... and what you get fom volunteering is the joy of helping others. Period. THAT is work which is valuable for it's own sake.