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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Question ... 03-05-09

So .... is Obama working out the way you thought he would?


Anonymous said...

Yes. And I am still undecided if it is good or bad.

Anonymous said...

Interesting question and one I cannot say with all honesty I have an answer for yet. First let me say that I did not vote for him. However, I have been impressed so far by his ability to speak and deliver a message as well as his ability to make a decision. Unlike Clinton who took polls and arrived at decisions through total consensus much like a collegiate debate team, Obama is more like his conservative counterparts. He listens to his advisors and his counsel and then makes his own decision. I think given the mess we are in that should hold him in pretty stead. As for the stimulus plans and bailouts, we will have to see. If history is any indicator, somethings will work and somethings won't. Personally, I am not looking for a leader who knows everything, I am looking for a leader who is willing to try, if it fails, admit and move on. If it succeeds deflect the credit to those on your team and move on.

From what I have seen so far, he at least seems to have a personal integrity much like his predecessor.

The jury awaits.....

cincin21 said...

Yes .... and I am really disappointed that I was so right.

I really really really wish I had been wrong ....

Anonymous said...

Yes - only hindsight will tell if his actions as Chief Executive and Commander in Chief of all Armed Forces is a good one or bad one. People will pretty much be full spectrum on their like or dislike. As for myself I'll take the cheap way out and wait it out before passing judgement. Yes - I voted, and BTW - every person I voted for lost in the last general election. So if you want winners, probe me before hand and I'll tell you who I'm voting for and then you can vote opposite of me and hit a full slate!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I always knew he was moving more conservative than a lot of people thought.... and yeay Pacific Fan and Patr..

Let's give it a few weeks more and move on with what we can of our lives.
This race to politics isn't all consuming.

He has integrety and is working with the system that was in place long before he got there so I expect he will have to follow the general structural rules for passing bills and whatever.

I voted for him, I respect him and like before, when President Bush was president, I don't spend a lot of time fixated on politics and policy.

I do however educate myself and I have an opinion.

Politics have become more like some structured religion to me.

People getting angry because they disagree and losing sight of the purpose. Like the Christian Crusaids where they killed people for being non beleivers.

I say, take a small step back from your view and get a fresh look at life.

Anonymous said...

oops that last one was
La not that you couldn't tell.

Anonymous said...

PEF & Patr, I am disappointed in you. I really thought you guys had a better grasp of the realities of today's world. Oh well, live and learn.

Obama is a horror as a president - even worse than I expected. As far as I cantell, every move jhe has made has been exactly wrong. The stimulus bill - just further ingrains government into every aspect of everyone's lives - there will be few if any jobs created by what he and the Dems in Congress have done.
Add the new SCHIP bill, the omnibus spending bill and the incredibly huge budget he has proposed and we get:
* Government take over of health care such that bureaucrats will determine what care everyone gets - and what care they DON'T get
* Nationalization of the housing and banking systems, with the subsequent politicization of those industries (exactly what got us where we are now - over the past 20 years or so)
* Nationalization of the auto industry - and if you think Ford, GM & Chrsyler have issues now, just wait until the politicians are making the engineering decisions!
* Further erosion of the military. Obama already is proposing a 10% cut in funding at the same time that he wants expanded operations in several places (Afghanistan & Pakistan, Iran & the missile shield to name 3). He never served and he does NOT understand what it takes to have a properly functioning military
* Expanded "green" initiatives that will have the effect of massive tax increases - wait and see what carbon "Cap & Trade" and increased CAFE Standards do to taxes and prices, as well as the CO2 regulations that will comeout of his EPA, and not to mention at all his efforts to REDUCE DOMESTIC gas & oil drilling.
* There have even been rumbling out of the White House & Congress that the next step to "save us" will be to nationalize all 401K's & IRA's as a means of keeping Social Security solvent - try that one on for size.

Enough of the horrible policies he has initiated, how about integrity and honesty?
* He stated that he would end earmarks - there are 9,000 earmarks in the omnibus spending bill in the Senate right now and all he had to say about them was that they were "last years business" - seems to me he will sign the bill so how can it be "last year"? Either he means what he says or he doesn't.
* He stated that he would not have any lobbyists in his administration, but he has hired MANY of them, and said nothing.
* He cannot seem to find many cabinet appointment who are honest and have paid their taxes - including the Secretary of the Treasury - ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
* He claims that he will reduce the budget deficit by 50% in the next 5 years - AFTER HE TRIPLES IT! Do the math - take anything and triple it, then divide by 2 - seems to me you will have MORE THAN YOU STARTED WITH! Disengenious? YES! Misleading? YES! Honest? HELL NO!
* He does not like what conservative talk radio is saying about him, so he and his staff have orchestrated a smear campaign against Limbaugh & Hannity and has disparaged them directly in his speeeches and comments to the media, as well as starting the machinery to bring back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" to silence all the conservative voices on the airwaves - that shows lots on integrity right there

Say what you want about President Bush, but you NEVER heard him say anything negative about all the people who slurred and slandered him when he was in office. He showed class, something Obama is sorely lacking up to now.
Integrity & honesty - I have NOT seen it to date.
So, we have a socialist/communist masquerading as a populiist Democrat trying to end capitalism as we know it under the guise of "saving the country".


Obama is a horrow as a Presdient and he is bringing this country to ruin. If things continue to go in the direction gthry re headedl, we will see double-digit inflation and interest rates in 18-24 months. The recession - caused to a large degree by government meddling in the free market system (I have lots of examples, so just ask me and I will tell them to you) that should be ending in 6 months or so will stretch to years and become a depression.

You think things are scarey and worrisome right now? You just until we have had 2-3 years of Obama, then you will see scarey.

Anonymous said...

Bronco - i have a very good grasp of the realities of today's world. The housing crisis which has been one cause of the market collapse, albeit a major cause but not the only cause. I know about this intimately, I worked in the Financial Services Industry for about 18 years specifically in the Mortgage business and I know that business from front to back. I also know that while our government has meddled in that business and in the credit markets far too long, I also know that its our damn fault! We want everything in this country! If you believe the rhetoric, and you anywhere to the left of center, you believe that you are entitled to every benefit our government can give you, every program, every hand-up, hand-out and even in some cases a new hand. If you are to the right of center you believe you are entitled to have every tax break and incentive, you seek out every legal loophole to avoid paying anything the government and you will move your business offshore, hell off planet to avoid paying for labor or any cost you dont feel you should have to while you line your pockets.

Bottom line? The shit has to stop. We as American Citizens have to come together and strike a balance, every America including our military. No one wants to believe this but we are at a crossroads in the lifespan of our country the likes of which we havent seen since the Civil War, the Great Depression or World Wars and we have to decide do we really want our country to prosper and succeed. Capitilism and the free market economy are critical to our success and livelihood yes, but they when you look at the greed that has existed in our companies at the top and the excesses. We havent seen anything like this since the days of the Robber Barons. Securities Scandals, Mortgage Scandals, Enron, Madoff et al. And Bronco I am sorry but those werent all perpetrated by the Government or our new Democratic President, it was pure greed.

And this greed has become ingrained in our companies. Example: on of my company's core values is Growth is an Imperative. Sounds logical on the surface. Well Jacobs has been growing about 40-60% annually over the last 5 years and now we have leaders in our company believing this is sustainable and not only sustainable it should be expected, just like the government handout. We have industry analysts expected these numbers, in turn you have financial analysts expecting these numbers and shareholders expecting these numbers and clients and suppliers etc....

This is insanity and my company is not unique in its view. It like we've all drank the frigging Koolaid and think you know what someone is going to keep giving me what i want no matter what i want and when I want it.


or as Detective John McClain would say, "Welcome to the party pal!"

cincin21 said...

Actaully Dan ... I am not in either of those groups you describe. I do NOT want stuff given to me. I want to earn what I have ... and what I earn, I would like to keep. Tax me at a fair rate ... let me keep the rest. I will then spend the rest as I see fit ... including charity.

So what does that make me? A Centrist? Okay!! Fine!!

The people who expect to be given everything need to change their expectations. Period!

I'll take back that CD version of Atlas Shrugged,if you and Pat do not plan to listen to it. No matter how much it centers around trains and the Transcontinental Train industry ... I wonder if you would understand the point the novel is trying to make .... which is being played out RIGHT NOW in the US Government. Icluding the bridge to nowhere in Missouri ... first big deal for the "stimulus package".

I paid for and downloaded a copy of Atlas Shrugged to my ipod ... but I cannot fast forward or rewind on my shuffle ... the CD's would be a big help to me. I'll trade you the actual novel for them. I have 3 copies.

Anonymous said...

Cindy I am with you. I too am not looking for handouts and I am okay with paying my fair share of taxes, emphasis on fair. As for Atlas Shrugged, I still want to listen to it even though my wife is not crazy about the narrator. I want to read it because of the central message in the book which is very similar to the message in the book the Fantastic Interval which was about the period of the Roaring Twenties, the period in our history, not unlike the last 10-15 years when we frittered away a golden opportunity to make some significant changes in our country and we paid for with the Great Depression.

If I can find where we stowed Atlas Shrugged, I would however be more than glad to trade for a copy of the book.

While my political beliefs are more conservative than they are liberal and I am too the right of center, I just fail to see how the extremes of either end help us.

Like you I am more of centrist. I will let you know about Atlas.