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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Question 03-11-09

What's the most beautiful place you have ever visited?


Anonymous said...

A Biergarten in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria) at sunset while the sun set behind the mountains. There was a special pink-purpleish glow that shot through the air where the sun was allowed to shine. Where the sunlight was blocked the light was very blue. I think it was my impression of heaven on earth!

Anonymous said...

the most beautiful place that i can remember is the top of Mt. St. Marie (something like that) in Quebec in the winter. it was like standing on the top of the earth looking down. Okay, so it was, but you know what I mean. It was bigger than life itself.


Anonymous said...

Camden, Maine - We first visited Camden in 1974 on vacation to Maine from Florida. It is a very picturesque little coastal town in Mid-coast Maine that has not only the ocean but mountains and lakes all within its boundaries. The view from Mount Battie overlooking the town inspired the American Poet and Writer, Edna St. Vincent Millay to write:

“All I could see from where I stood was three long mountains and a wood. I turned and looked another way and saw three islands in a bay.”

By the summer of 1976, it was my home and I couldn't believe that I was living in paradise on earth.

It is still home to me in many ways, home to a much simpler part of my life filled with climbing, hiking, bikeriding and racing sailboats.

Of course it wasnt a complete paradise because I didnt know that I was missing the most important part, Pat.

Anonymous said...

There are so many - so I'll list a bunch to make me smile while I try to decide

Any where in Maine of course
17 mile drive in California
The top of Monarch Pass in Colorado
Sunrise in Palo Duro Canyon
Sunrise on Mustang Island
Sunset in Monterrey CA
Fog of San Francisco
Christmas Tree in Rockefeller center

Okay - most beautiful pace I have ever visited: Children's Chapel Rockport Maine - - Http://