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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Question ... 03-10-09

Should the individual or society be of primary importance?


Anonymous said...

the individual most by of primary importance in order for the society to be important. If everyone put society first, wouldn't they be neglecting themselves which, in turn would contribute to a deteriorating society??


Anonymous said...

Another chicken or egg type of question. A society is a group of individuals groped together. With out any importance on the individual, the individual's will pull away from the societies and the group will fall. But yet with out putting importance on the society, nothing can get done.... it becomes too much "me", "me", "me".

I think there is a very tough balancing act that must occur. And I think as a society, we have been very unbalanced.... but what scares me is that we are swinging too far the other way now in focusing on society.

Anonymous said...

My personal viewpoint on this question is this:

As an individual, I should focus on my passion or passions, the thing or things that fuel me and make me a better, more complete person. Because if I am a better person for me, then I am a better person for my wife, family, friends, work, community etc.

My passion is creating things whether in terms of ideas, critical thinking, photography, art, model railroading, experiences to share with people. I think I can contribute to society in a positive way through these gifts both self-less and selfish. Therein lies the balance of which my wife eloquently speaks.

Anonymous said...

Age old question, still no definitive answer. My how mankind has progressed!

cincin21 said...

The individual is of maximum importance.

America was the country of individual rights. Now it is becoming the country of robbing and raping the successful individual to support the incompetance of society.

If the successful individual decides to use his earnings to somehow improve society, well, God Bless him.

Anonymous said...

Check out Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - I think he got it pretty close to right. It all boils down to what is best for the individual - as that individual see it