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Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26, 2009

Is Justice or Forgiveness more important?


Anonymous said...

This is a question for the ages and as I am only 47, I can only speak about my age. When I was younger and far more idealistic than I am even at present, I would have answered Justice is more important. However, the older I get, the more I believe that Forgiveness is more important. We only get one chance at this life and forgiveness is so important to personal peace in this life. At least for me it is.

Anonymous said...

Justice. It's the only thing that keeps us from hanging in the tree's and flinging crap at each other like monkeys. It's because there are laws. It separates us from the animals with a veneer of civility.

Justice for the people, the masses. Our Pledge of Allegiance, which is read at each Veterans meeting has in it 'with Liberty and Justice for all'.

We are indoctrinated that Justice is an overiding factor of nature administered by those who study how to dispense Justice. I hope those who dispense Justice see once and for all those that bilked us out of trillions of dollars for who they are - thieves on an unprecendented magnitude!

IF the people educate themselves and REALLY see and hear how these buffon's intentionally sank the ship with depraved indifference, and open their eyes for once, they will demand that these people be put to death. Broadcast it on TV, seeming the only medium people get their education from which is why most americans are so dumb.

The tsunami is building, get ready for it, it's coming. Kill em' ALL! - Justice Done.

Anonymous said...

For oneself: Forgivness is more important. To forgive is to release the deamons that plague you. It is also the path the peacefullness.

From the website: -> today's quote of the day: "Don't hate, it's too big a burden to bear." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Isn't that so true?