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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Question #493

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D.

Q #25

For an all-expense-paid, one-week vacation anywhere in the world, would you be willing to kill a beautiful butterfly by pulling off its wings?

What about stepping on a cockroach?


Anonymous said...

Okay you can pick up the butterfly parts and the cockroach is unrecognizable and MY BAGS ARE PACKED! LOOK OUT EUROPE!

Anonymous said...

Yes and yes.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm game. I'd do it. Would love to go some place with a beach, the sun, blue get the picture.

Rant Master said...

Yes to both - killing one bug is pretty much the same as killing another

Gretchen said...

lol, Here I was thinking "does it make me a bad person because I'm considering this??"

Regardless seems I'm in good company.

Anonymous said...

Butterfly - no, cockroach - bring em' on!

Anonymous said...

Although I do feel something more for the butterfly I would do it. Especially if there were massages and spa's involved.

pampalmer7 said...

NO and NO! I can't kill anything...even a cockroach. I think the "circle of life" was created for a reason, and smashing a critter for my own personal gain isn't part of that circle.

pampalmer7 said...

YAY!!! I got it to work finally! Fair warning...I'm back :)

cincin21 said...

LOL .... welcome back Pami!!

First of all .... pulling off a butterfly's wings does not KILL it ... it just tortues it and makes it unable to get food and it would die ... in pain and agony ... while all y'all are enjoying your wonderful vacations!!

At least stepping on a cockroach would kill it ... but it would still be able to lay eggs while you are gone and you'll come home to a house full of vidictive cockroaches.

In short .... no to the butterfly ... but probably yes to the cockroach ...

Sigh ....