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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Question #536

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #68

When has your life dramatically changed as the result of some seemingly random external influence? How much do you feel in control of your life? Does living as though you control your own destiny lead to a more powerful life?


Anonymous said...

Do you mean like hiring and ultimately firing the lady who would introduce me to my wife? I am in control of how I think about my life and the world around me and that is empowering enough. If I can change the way I think about my life then I can change my life. Not that there are not other variables to consider mind you but I can re-orient my approach to the problem, situation or issue.

Rant Master said...

No one has much control over their lives - except for some personal views and mundane daily activities.

Other than huge national or worldwide events (like 6 years ago yesterday), I cannot think of a random external event that affected my life.

Anonymous said...

Dramatic change? Well I helped make a decision to fire a lady that eventually went to work for PEF (whom he later fired) and my life changed in a good way forever.

I also said YES to a small project that would have only lasted about 6 months and changed my career for ever probably.

Were the two events fate? I don't know, possibly or just random events that were supposed to work out that way.

I have a belief that every person that you meet comes into your life for a purpose and that you are in their life for a purpose thus for however long there is that purpose, you remain close and when the purpose is done, the two of you may drift apart or find a new purpose. So yes, I believe in Karma!

When do the new Earl episodes start?

Totsie Tales said...

I have no control of my life. I just try to do what's best at the time. External influences rarely affect my personal life--only the ones in my peronal life.

cincin21 said...

Hmmmmm .... in general I feel pretty much in control of my life ... but I am very aware that there is always the possibilty that random events might affect me and mine.

There is a belief that there is no such thing as a coincidence ... and I often try to find a deeper message in what might seem random to others.