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Monday, September 24, 2007

Question #543

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #76

One hot summer afternoon, while walking through a parking lot at a large shopping center, you notice a dog suffering badly from the heat inside a locked car. What would you do?


Rant Master said...

I would call the police - the dog needs help.

Anonymous said...

What Tom said. If the police don't arrive soon enough and it looks as if the dog/cat/kid/animal is going to die, I'd shatter a window keeping in mind that I don't want a delirious pet endangering the public. Remember the mom who locked her kid in the car that eventually dies at the Cheesecake Factory on NW. Highway?

La said...

I would call the police. who would maybe give me animal control. I hope that someone would come and do something. I don't think I could smash a window but I would want to.

Anonymous said...

I'd call police and look for the Security Officers at the center. If I saw somebody I thought could perhaps help....ask I would!
This is a criminal act...I would want to see the owner punished accordingly!!!!!

Anonymous said...

... or fire department.

Anonymous said...

Find something and break the window. Then call the police, fess up to breaking the window and hope the police would take care of the owner. As I am such a dog lover, I would probably rush the dog to the vet and if it survived, I would probably adopt it.

Anonymous said...

A brick is out of the question? I'd call the police, and pray for a quick response. If it was not quick enough, the brick would have to do.

Angel D Lynn said...

Call animal control so they could control the situation if the animal freaks out by strangers being around it.

cincin21 said...

Best thing I could do would be to call one of those Animal Rescue groups who act like Nazi's when you are trying to adopt a pet from them.

Can you imagine what they would do to the owner of this dog?? OMG!!