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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Question #537

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #69

If a friend were almost always late, would you resent it or simply allow for it? Can you be counted on to be on time?


Anonymous said...

I would let them know, probably by poking fun at their promptness.

I can be counted to be on time. Punctuality is very big with me. I hate to be late to things and if I am going to be late, I want to let someone know.

It's just plain courteous to do so.

cincin21 said...

I generally just allow for it ... I have friends who are always early ... and friends who are always late and friends who are very punctual!

In a way ... all these friends are dependable!! I can depend on them to be early, late, or on time!

I am an on-time person ... and even try to be a little early!

Anonymous said...

I have a friend just like that. We tell her to be at the location 1.5 hours before we actually intend to be there and still she can't make it.

I am a punctual person.

Rant Master said...

I am usually prompt. If a friend is always late, I will allow for it, but give them a really, really hard time about it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, being an early person myself, tardiness is one of my pet peeves! I have a few friends who are always late and I very seldom plan anything with them. If we see each other or do something it is usually spur of the moment type stuff. Otherwise, I just go on my happy (and EARLY) way.

Anonymous said...

Most all my friends are prompt so if there are times they happen to be late I'll allow for it.
I tend to be early...much more understanding about others then about myself.