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Monday, September 17, 2007

Question #539

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #71

Would you be willing to have horrible nightmares every night for a year if you would be rewarded with $20,000,000 at the end of that year?


Anonymous said...

NO! - I have bad enough dream as it is anyway, I don't want anymore. 1 year of nightmares with no defining criteria means technically they could tear your psyche apart. At the end of a year you could end up a basket case. Peaceful rest is essential for a well balanced body. Try going without recuperative sllep and see how it affects your body.

Anonymous said...

Well considering that I could wake up from these horrible dreams and the fact that it does not specify how long the dreams would last in a given night and the fact that I have an ability to shut them from my mind... Yeah sign me up for the 20 mil!

Anonymous said...

Yea, I have horrible nightmares quite often anyway. And hey, if my psyche is torn apart hopefully PEF would get the money and there is plenty enough there where he could support me in style.

Anonymous said...

NO--After a year of nightmares, I would be in a nice room all cushy and padded!
Would rather live my life the way it is now...LIFE IS GOOD

cincin21 said...

Hmmmm .... I think I would have to say NO to this. I do not like nightmares and I would also fear for my psyche, as many others have mentioned.

It is a lot of $$$ .... but .... no thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'll do a lot of things for money, but that's one of the things I won't do.