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Friday, September 14, 2007

Question #538

From "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock, PH.D

Q #70

When did you last yell at someone? Why?? Did you later regret it?


Anonymous said...

Can't remember and always regret it if it was done in anger. If it is a 'look out' then I don't regret it.

Rant Master said...

I yelled at my wife and one of her tutors the other night - but I was kidding.

I yell at the dog every day

Gretchen said...

I yelled at my son. I like to think of it as more of a vent.

He had HUGE texting bills which out of the goodness of my heart provide him cell phone service. He's 19 so perfectly capable of providing his own phone service. However, as a mom I have ulterior motives. Least I can get a hold of him. This cuts my worry down considerably to be able to get a hold him.
Anyway, he lives on his own but I come home to my house to find him sitting on my couch watching TV. He has NO job and I had early had a bit of "discussion" with my husband about the issue.

So seeing him sitting there doing nothing was the straw!!

Good news is he has a job now. I always regret having words with my children.

Anonymous said...

Does yelling at the IDIOT drivers in the metroplex count? If so, no I didn't regret the names I called them and will probably do it again this afternoon when I get out with the crazies again.

Anonymous said...

Honestly can't remember the last time I yelled at anyone in person.

Does yelling at idjit on TV count?

Totsie Tales said...

I recently yelled at a person I thought was my friend. Turns out he's a selfish boor. I don't regret it. Three months ago I wuld have, but not when it happened and not now.