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Monday, January 05, 2009

Question 01-05-09

Think of where you were and what you were doing in January 2001 ((That's before 9/11)). How has your life changed?

Do you consider yourself to be better off now than you were then?


Anonymous said...

I can't remember exactly, but my life is getting better all the time.

Anonymous said...

1/1/2001 - We were in San Antonio and we were newly engaged. He had asked the night before and I said YES!

We had taken Amtrak down on the 30th and the bad snow storms up north caused the train to be delayed. Our scheduled departures was going to be 8 am ish, but the estimate was 5 pm - so, we decided to rent a car and drive home.

That year was very rememorable for many reasons other than 9/11.

Anonymous said...

Hey isn't it 2009? Oh maybe that gaff was just to get us into the mood of looking back in time.... I get it, though I doubt my dear friend and Bronco fan Tom will (Smile)

As my lovely wife states, we were newly engaged, enjoying life and blissfully ignorant of the dark forces at work in our world.

But my mother always said a few people always ruin it for everyone else, a phrase I recount often waiting in the security line at the nation's airports as my family is required to stay behind the security line and can no longer stay with me at the gate.

Hopefully this too shall pass...

Anonymous said...

my grandma hadn't got killed in a car wreck yet, i didn't have my kids, and i was in college....... so my life was different, more innocent, as we find out harsh truths the longer we live... and i thought college was tough, but i had no idea til i had kids!

Anonymous said...

It's 2009 already - where did all the time go?

cincin21 said...

Hmmmm .... January 2001 ... Tom and I got engaged that month ....

I am Waaayyyyy better off now than I was 8 years ago .... I have Tom, I have a home, I have a healthy son in College and I am able to afford his college .... I am self-employed and doing well ... life is good!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, no doubt about it that I am better off. I don't really contribute 9/11 having an affect on where I am now. Probably maturity and making better choices. I do think twice about traveling and shopping at the mall during the holidays, but it doesn't stop me from doing it.


Anonymous said...

I am immensely better off. I was not married and I am now. Everything else is secondary