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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Question #184

How much do you feel in control of the course of your life?

When has your life changed as the result of some seemingly random external influence?


Anonymous said...

Just to clarify. There is no such thing as a random external influence. As difficult as it is for some to believe, particularly since so many "bad" things happen, there is a God who is in complete control of every aspect of our lives and the entire universe. It certainly is not in our control. Just wanted to point everyone in this discussion in the right direction

Anonymous said...

No one has control over much of their lives. You can try to control some things, like job or family or home, but ultimately, there is no security in anything.

So, while the above may sound like a depressing thing, just try to make the best of each day, make plans for your life, but try to remain flexible and adaptable, because chances are you will need to change your plans in mid stream.

Anonymous said...

1] absolutely none....because the
day i finally got smart and turned
my life over to HIM to run i've had no problems.
2]don't really know when it was or what prompted it but JC just came
in and said you've been stumbling
and screwing up to long already
from now on leave it to me. i did
and it has been a pretty good go ever since.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous...while I agree with most of what you said, there are things you DO have control over. You were given a choice to accept or reject God.(Free Will) You can choose/control,(for the most part) how you wish to live your life. There are repercussions, however, for that behavior. And just because God is in control, does not mean we are to sit back and let it all just happen. He instructed us 'To keep busy and be prepared.' (OK...hopping down off my Soap Box! LOL)
I tend to agree with Bronco. You do the best you can each day, but remain flexible.

Anonymous said...

Well said RH...just the kind of thought and serious concideration I was trying to provoke. You hit the nail on the head! Acceptance or rejection is the key!!

Anonymous said...

Also, it is acceptance or rejection of your current situation, not just God.

Anonymous said...

I do not even know what to say.

My life completely dramatically changed in 2002 and I had no control what so ever. This was random and caused by external "influences".

I am not alone so many others have had worse things happen to them but it is hard to accept.

I have very little conrol over my life at this time.

RH, I could have never prepared for this but it is in his hands for sure and he knows what he is doing. I don't but maybe some day I will.