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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Question #571

Is there anything that you carry or wear for Good Luck? If so, what is it? Do you carry or wear it all the time or only when you are worried about a certain situation? Does it work?


Anonymous said...

Nope, though I consider my wife's presence extremely good luck.

Anonymous said...

I have a necklace from Dougie that I wear when I am going somewhere that I will feel out of place at. It reminds me of how much I am loved. I use to carry a coin around in my purse that Ash gave me but I am not sure what happened to it.

Anonymous said...

For a very long time I wore a gold cross with a marquise diamond on it. I purchased it for myself during a terrible time in my life, and it just seemed to help me remember to put faith in what I was doing, in my inner strength and to let time flow naturally. I don't wear it often now that life is happy again, but in times of stress or turmoil, I put it back on as a reminder. I am a strong believer keeping items near that help a person stay focused.

Rant Master said...

I carry 5 dollar coins and 3 blessing rings in my pocket at all times, but not for luck (although I will not turn down good luck).

I carry the coins to remind me that money comes hard and goes easily. I carry the blessing rings to remind me of the love I have every day from my wife, and of the blessings this life has given me - it is too easy to dwell on the negative when the positives so outweigh anything negative.

Anonymous said...

I don't carry or wear anything for Good Luck per se, but everyday, I put on my 9/11 Pin. It's shaped like one of those "Ribbon" pins but it's made of metal and one side of the "ribbon" is red and the other side is blue with white stars. I also wear a pendant my husband gave me one Mother's Day "from the kids". It sterling silver and it's a woman with her arms around two children. It's kind of abstract but you can see what it is. It also looks like a heart the way it's shaped.

Anonymous said...

I wear a Fibromyalgia rubber-band bracelet always. As to whether or not ir provides and 'good luck' is more an issue of what it reminds me of daily. In that repsect I have to say 'Yes', it does provide me "Good Health".

Anonymous said...

Nothing for Good Luck...but I have a Guardian Angel Coin, I keep in my wallet always. My DH cousin, a Nun gave it to me the first time we visited Ireland. Since a very little girl I always new I had "MY" own Guardian Angel..Sister Mirian must have known as well.